The Warning😱 - Story Helluva Boss: Heroes From Hell (Helluva Boss X Hazbin Hotel x Male Reader) AU (2024)

Octavia: Is she going to stop?

Josh, Kat, Coco, and Ace were all in her backyard playing basketball listening to Apple yelling at Y/N for not telling her not about Agents One and Two, but for not telling her that he and Verosika were about to go "wild" in the van. She was yelling in Korean.

Apple: (yelling in Korean)

Coco: (smirks) Knowing my Apple, she'll calm down eventually in 3...2...1...

Apple walked to the rest with a scared Y/N in tow.

Apple: Hey guyyys! Ready to playyyy?

Kat: You bet! ¡Acabemos con esto!

Coco: You bet, babe.

Josh: Let the Space Jam begin!

Ace: Here we go!

It was Boys vs Girls. 4th Quarter. Octavia and Y/N were at the tipoff. One of Via's servants threw the ball up and both opponents jumped. Octavia got the ball and passed it to Apple, who headed for the Boy's hoop. She was blocked by Ace.

Coco: Apple!

Apple: Got you, Co!

Apple passed the ball to Coco, who then slid under Josh and slam-ducked the ball into the hoop.

Josh: D'OH!

Octavia: Yes!

After a few hoops, the round was over and the points were tallied.

GIRLS: 25 BOYS: 24

Coco: Woo! we won!

Coco and Apple proceeded to a victorious hug as they kissed passionately.

Y/N: You seem pretty chill today Via. Did something happen?

Octavia: Well.. yeah. Dad and I went to see my favorite band at a concert.

Y/N: Where is he now?


A glass window broke above as a vase flew out and into the yard. The seven friends heard Stolas and Stella's voices from inside. Stella was angry once more.

Octavia: Not again...

Apple: It's not your fault, Via. My parents fought a lot ever since I was three. I know what it's like.

Octavia: Yeah well... I've gotten used to it. Hey, you guys wanna know something?

Ace: What?

Octavia: Well...before Y/N met you guys. Do you guys know that I was his first best friend?

Octavia: Well... Y/N you tell them.

Y/N: Very Well. Stella had a little theory about trying to ship me and Octavia together.

Everyone: WHAT!!?

Josh: C'mon Man! Didn't she know you have a heart for Vero!?

Y/N: Nope! Since Via and I were together for a while she tried to dhip us both, but ultimately failed.

Octavia: She gave up on the idea years ago.

Y/N: Oh! guys, you are not gonna believe this.

Kat: What?

Y/N: You guys remember the Agents I was fighting?

Coco and Apple gave Y/N smug looks.

Coco: You mean the ones who interrupted your "alone time" With Vee?

Apple started making kissing noises.

Coco: "Oh Y/N, Oh, Y/N, OH Y/N!"~

Josh banged his hand on a hard object to mimic the sound of Y/N if he was banging Verosika.

Coco: " Oh HARDER, DADDY"!~

Y/N: Hardy har. Very funny. Yes, it's them. I managed to record them and...

Apple: What?

Octavia: (inhales) Well... Let's just say one of them swears worse than my dad.

Y/N turned on the recorder.

Agent Two: (recording) THAT (bleep) ASSHOLE! THAT (bleep) SATAN- LOVING MAGIC-USING (bleep) blue jacket (bleep).

Coco: WOAH!

Kat: Mamma Mia!

Josh: Jeez Lady. Don't be such a sore loser!

Agent Two: (recording) (bleep)! ALL THAT (bleep) LIKES TO (bleep) DO IS (bleep) and (bleep) and (bleep) (Bleeeeeeeeeep)! HE DOES NOTHING MORE BUT (bleep) (bleeep) (bleep) WITH THOSE (bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep) DEMONS!!!!! IIIIIIII HAAAAAAAATE THEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!

Everyone was shocked to hear Agent Two throw that big of a fit.

Apple: (mouths) Wow...

Y/N: Yep.

Octavia: Guys, you might want to leave now. My parents are arguing even worse.

Apple: Let's go then.

Everyone left the court and went their separate ways. Apple and Coco went to see their favorite TV show live, Big Brother. Josh and Kat went to visit the Arcade. Y/N was heading back to his apartment when his ringtone chimed.

Y/N pulled his phone out and realized it wasn't his normal phone. It was his "Private Phone" for Verosika. He answered.

Verosika: Hiiii Y/N.~

Y/N: Hey Vee.

Verosika: I know this is supposed to be for our "fun" but I have a little teeny-tiny problem at your apartment. Could you be a dear and come, please?

Y/N: Sure thing. I'm on my way.


Y/N made it to his apartment only to see Moxxie at the door.

Y/N: Moxxie? What are you doing here?

Moxxie: Helping Millie with something.

Y/N: In my apartment?

Moxxie opened the door and Y/N couldn't believe his eyes. He saw Millie and Verosika drinking tea laughing while two recognizable people were on the table tied up and gagged. Y/N knew who the tied-up people were.

Collin/Keenie: (muffled yelling)

Y/N: Collin!? Keenie!?

Millie: Ah Y/N. So glad you could join us.

Verosika: Please dear. Come sit with us. We were just talking about you.

Y/N walked over to Collin and Keenie and ungagged them.

Collin: Oh thanks Y/N! You have no idea how psychotic they were.

Verosika was up in Collin's face with a murderous yandere look.

Verosika: What did you say, boy?

Millie did the same thing.

Millie: Don't be shy. Sing little birdies. I dare you.

Millie pulled out a knife and aimed it at Keenie's throat.

Keenie: Uhh... H-He said you two are v-very p-protective of your l-loved ones.

Verosika and Millie calmed down and sat back down, laughing.

Verosika: OHOHO! that's true!

Millie: Ditto sister!

Y/N looked at Moxxie in confusion. Moxxie shrugged.

Moxxie: They were like this when I came here.

Collin: We weren't trying to kill him!

Keenie: We wanted to tell him something!

Millie: Like what, Joy and Fear?

Keenie: Like Cletus.

The whole room has gone silent.

Moxxie: What did you say?

Collin: Cletus is angry. He seriously wants you dead.

Millie: No one is getting near him!

Verosika: Those bastards tried to kill us once, we won't let that happen again.

Y/N: Anything else?

Collin: Yeah. He said he's making some kind of church where he rules.

Y/N/Moxxie: ...

Y/N and Moxxie fell to the floor, laughing.

Moxxie: A church??? Where he rules??

Y/N: Tell him He's gotta do better than that!

Keenie: Y/N, the followers are people who you defeated.

Y/N stopped laughing but kept the smile. He looked up to Keenie.

Y/N: What? Who?

Keenie: Mostly people who you put in prison. Plus the Agents you fought.

Y/N's smile faded into anger.

Y/N: Them?

Collin: Yes.

Y/N turned around to face his wall. He summoned a giant fist and punched the wall, leaving a dent.

Y/N: Where is he now?

Keenie: The place where Martha's place was.

Millie: If I don't mind asking, why tell us?

Collin: Well... We left him.


The Warning😱 - Story Helluva Boss: Heroes From Hell (Helluva Boss X Hazbin Hotel x Male Reader) AU (1)

Keenie: Yes, we left him.

Verosika: Wow...

Verosika proceeded to untie them.

Verosika: Why did you?

Collin: Ever since we were banished from Heaven, he went on a rampage. A serious one.

Keenie: There were a lot of dead bodies.

Millie: Dead human bodies?

Collin: Demon ones. Ones that were in human disguises.

The whole room was silent.

Y/N: And of course, he blames me right?

Keenie: Yeah. He said, "If Y/N or any of his friends come up here again, It will be their last."

Verosika: Why did you leave?

Collin: Well... You know that Heaven and Hell contain the good and the evil in the universe right?

Millie: Mmm-hmm.

Keenie: They're more than that. They also represent balance in the world. There cannot be too much on one side or the other. If Heaven is destroyed, where will good people die and go to? And if Hell is gone,...

Y/N: It would be the same result.

Everyone took some deep thought. Verosika quickly stood up and pushed the two Fallen Cherubs to the door.

Verosika: Welp it's been fun having you two here, but we have some other businesses to attend to so.. goodbye. Au revoir. Hasta La vista. Arrivederci. 안녕. Auf Wiedersehen. Don Arigato.

Collin: But-

Verosika: Bup bup bup! It's time for you to leave.

She pushed them out and locked the door.

Y/N: You never told me you were multilingual, babe!

Verosika: Well... As a pop star I had to sing my songs in different languages.

Moxxie: Wow...

Millie: Say Y/N, those Agents people Keenie mentioned, it seemed like you knew them.

Y/N: I did. I fought them. They're Demon Hunters bent on exposing demons to the rest of the world. If we let them show it, It will be chaos.

Moxxie: How many times did you fight them?

Verosika: Since I left.

Millie and Moxxie were shocked.

Y/N: And another thing.

Y/N pulled out his recorder and showed Agent Two swearing.

Agent Two: (recording) (bleep)! ALL THAT (bleep) LIKES TO (bleep) DO IS (bleep) and (bleep) and (bleep) (Bleeeeeeeeeep)! HE DOES NOTHING MORE BUT (bleep) (bleeep) (bleep) WITH THOSE (bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep) DEMONS!!!!! IIIIIIII HAAAAAAAATE THEEEEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEPEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRR!!!!!

Moxxie: Jeez!

Millie: She kisses her mother with that mouth!?

Y/N: Oh look who's talking!

Verosika laughed.

Agent One walked down the street with coffee in his hands. He was talking with one of his neighbors.

Agent One: Is she in there?

The neighbor nodded.

Neighbor: She won't come out. She hasn't left the room in days. Every time I'm outside, I hear her laughing as she got hit with Joker Venom or something.

Agent One: Obsessed THAT much?

Neighbor: I only see her when she gets

The Neighbor pointed at the trash. Some were wrappings for loose-leaf paper, duct tape, and some boxes of cocoa bags.

Agent One: (inhales) It's THAT much?

Neighbor: Yeah. It's that much. Please talk to her. It's scary.

Agent One: I will.

He walked inside the apartment building, went up the elevator, and pulled out his key to open the door to his and Two's room. He saw something that scared him.

Agent One: What the-


Paper. Thousands of papers were on the walls, the ceiling, and the floor. He walked inside only to feel the sole of his shoes crunching the paper beneath him.


It was very dark as blackness consumed the space around.

Agent One: Two? Are you... in here? I uh... brought the coffee.

He walked deeper to see the pictures were mostly of a angel woman and a demon with a cool suit and a red sword. He then saw others with Y/N on them, from kid to adult. One even had hearts on it. Next was the demons. Blitzo, Moxxie, Millie, and Verosika were all on them. Each from different areas. Every single one was connected with duct tape.

Agent One: Uhh o-okay Two. If you're trying to scare me... it's working.

One went deeper into the room and his foot his a jar of yellowish liquid inside. He then saw food wrappings on the floor and even worse, he saw Agent Two's clothes on the floor.

Agent One: Two! This isn't funny! Where are you!?

One heard duct tape and muttering from the end of the room and saw Two.

Agent Two: (muttering)

She didn't show her face but her sunglasses were thrown on the other side and her hair was long and messy. One slowly walked to Two and tried to rest his hand on her. Two felt the touch and looked at One. Her eyes were bloodshot and tired, her smile was maniacal and her mind was deranged.

Agent One: Two? You...okay?

Two slowly turned her head around and giggled loudly.

Agent Two: Ok??? I'm more than okay...I'm BRILLIANT! After all this time I-

Two noticed One's shoes on the paper.

Agent Two: Don't walk on those!

Agent One: S-Sorry!

Agent Two: Anyhooooo, I've finally cracked the code, my friend. These monsters have been using magic to enter and escape our world. If memory serves correctly... the sequence repeats itself 5 times in a pentagon! We just need to show this to the boss and it'll be our game at last!

Two got up and walked to the computer. As she typed she took the coffee from One and chugged it down.

Agent Two: That f*cking sorcerer and his friends think he can best ME??? Ohohohohohhh no... the tables will be turned soon enough. Soon, we will have them all in our grasp. His friends will fall, his legacy will be destroyed, and best of all...

Agent One: W-What?

Agent Two quickly ran up to One deranged, her eyes twitching and her hands shaking.

Agent Two: We'll expose him to the world and open humanity's eyes to the danger they were in allll allloonnng! Everyone will hate him, they'll see that we were right, aaaand...

Two kneeled down and looked at the ceiling.


She imagined everyone calling her and One heroes and Y/N would be her servant for all eternity. One would become a ladiesman and Two would be treated like a queen. They've both got keys to the city and their own talk shows.

Everyone: D.H.O.RK.S! D.H.O.RK.S! D.H.O.RK.S! D.H.O.RK.S! D.H.O.RK.S!


She then imagined her and Two on beach chairs, getting sun tans with lots of butlers offering them food. Y/N was the first one.

Agent Two: Ehhh makes it again, pedestrian. Too crusty!

Y/N: (groaning)

Two then imagined herself in a pool of millions of dollars and Verosika as a cleaning maid.

Agent Two: YOO-HOO! Missed a spot!

Verosika: (growls)

Two imagined all three of them and drooled in the craziness. Her eyes were staring above and hysterical giggling jumped out.

Agent Two: We'll be recognized as heroes! They will see our worth! The demons will cry and Y/N will be ERASED FROM HISTORY!! WE'LL FINALLY, FINALLY, GET THE LAST LAUGH!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!

Agent Two got up and danced around in crazy joy in her underwear as she imagined what life will be like if she won.


Agent One: Uhhh How much coffee did you drink?

Two tilted her head to the left.

Agent Two: Enough to last 2 weeks...

Agent One: OKAY! You had enough!

Two grabbed One and pulled him to her face, staring into each other's eyes.

Agent Two: I WILL SAY WHEN I HAD ENOUGH! All my life... I wanted to prove that I can make the world safer... Y/N is the only reason I haven't accomplished it yet... once he is out of the picture... you, me, and the world... will live happily ever after. He will die a horrible death, just like his father. The difference is... I will be laughing at his grave and bask in victory! THIS WORLD WILL BE OURS!!!! Hehehe...Hahahahaha...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!

Agent One was scared. Two got her hands off and began dancing once more. Her mind lost it. She was officially crazy! Agent One closed the door behind him and heard Two's laughter behind him.

Agent One: She needs help... lots of help...

One saw one agent with the same expression.

Agent: Girl's got isssuuuuues.

Agent One: Yeaaaaahhhh...


The Warning😱 - Story Helluva Boss: Heroes From Hell (Helluva Boss X Hazbin Hotel x Male Reader) AU (2024)
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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Views: 5900

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Author information

Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.