Hazbin Hotel: The Journey To Protect Hell - Chapter 11 - GuitarSpear4Ever (2024)

Chapter Text

(It was coming. The annual star shower on Earth. And Octavia was going to see it. She woke up in the morning, and hit the alarm on her phone, before getting in the shower. As the warm water runs down her feathers, she conditions her hair feathers, and soaps down, before getting out, drying off, and putting on her outfit.)

Octavia: Dad?

Stolad: Yes, Via?

Octavia: Where’s my beanie?

Stolas: I don’t know.

Octavia: Good! I don’t need it.

Stolas: Huh? Why not?

Octavia: I’m going to Earth today. To see the Star Shower.

(Stolas looks worried.)

Stolas: But, don’t you want to stay with me? W-we can watch some movies, and Blitzo is coming over for a date night tonight, so you can play video games in your room, or- or hang out with Loona?

Octavia: (Sigh) Dad, no… I-I’ve been waiting to see the stars!

Stolas: I know, Octavia. But, I’m… I’m still worried. After the whole ordeal with Striker…

Octavia: But, he’s dead. I’m fine!

Stolas: No, Octavia… I won’t let you go. I-I can’t risk losing you… again.

(Octavia huffs, and sulks away, before Stolas turns back to the TV.)

Stolas: (Sigh) Some father you are, Stolas…

(Octavia is sitting in her room, upset. She’s scrolling on her phone.)

Octavia: Why…? I’m not a little kid, I can take care of myself! Can’t I?

(She suddenly gets a call.)

Octavia: Hello?

Loona: Hey, Octavia. How are you doing?

Octavia: Fine, it’s just… (Sigh) my dad won’t let me see the star shower on Earth.

Loona: That’s it? You aren’t watching the shower?

Octavia: Huh… I guessed you’d be more sympathetic.

Loona: Well, I mean, I don’t really care about the stars, but… you’re my friend, so I care aboutyou!

Octavia: Never thought I’d hear the words “I” and “care about you” in the same sentence come from you. Unless it’s “I don’tcare about you”.

Loona: Listen. I’ll hang out with you today. Blitzo is going on a date with Stolas, and I don’t want you to be bored, Kay?

Octavia: Yep. Thanks, Loona.

(At the IMP meeting room…)

Blitzo: Alright, everyone, I just wanted to say that Zupper’s back, but I’m sure you all know that by now!

(Zupper is putting Moxxie in a headlock, and Millie is trying to save him.)

Blitzo: So glad to have you back working with us, Zupper! It wasn’t the same without you!

Zupper: What’s the mission today?

Blitzo: Some old man named Paul Rubaul. He’s apparently the last surviving member of the Hitler bloodline, whoever that is…

Moxxie: Wait, Adolf Hitler?! The German who started World War 2, and was responsible for the death of millions of Jews!?

Blitzo: Uh, I don’t know, Moxxie! I didn’t take history classes, obviously.

Moxxie: Wehaveto take him out!

(Blitzo grabs Stolas’ grimorie, and opens a portal to Earth, and everyone runs through, but Loona grabs a pair of binoculars for Octavia. They end up in New York, and watch through the window of a tower, seeing Paul Rubaul.)

Zupper: This place is heavily guarded. We should wait till it’s dark to go in.

Loona: Wait, what?

Moxxie: Yeah! Then, the guards will have trouble seeing us.

Loona: Guys, no-

Blitzo: Alright, guys! Let’s have a New York adventure, before I go on my date with Stolas. I’m gonna make that bird squawk!~

(Everyone heads off on their own, and Loona follows Zupper and Millie. Blitzo and Moxxie are together.)

Moxxie: So… what do we do first?

Blitzo: Easy, Mox! We’re gonna get theBIGGESThot dog New York can offer!

Moxxie: But, why?

Blitzo: Well, what doyouwant to do? And don’t say strip club.

Moxxie: I wasn’t. I’m not a degenerate like you.

Blitzo: Okay, then! Doyouhave any better ideas?

Moxxie: No…

Blitzo: Alright, then! Let’s go!

(They walk into a hot dog restaurant, and everyone stares at them. They go up to the counter.)

Cashier: Uh… can I help you?

Blitzo: Nice to meet ya! We’re a couple of cosplayers, and we’re feeling hungry! I’d like the biggest behemoth of a hot dog ever!

Cashier: Coming right up, mister…?

Blitzo: Brandon Rogers!

Cashier: Got it, Mr. Rogers! We’ll be done in a short while.

(Blitzo is excited, but the hot dog comes out in a few seconds, and it’s monstrous, to say the least. It’s 8 feet long, and 5 feet wide.)

Blitzo: Holy sh*t, what is that?!

Cashier: The hot dog you requested, sir!

Blitzo: That isn’t a hot dog! That’s a hothound!How much?

Cashier: 20 dollars, sir.

Blitzo: Damn, that’s a steal!

(Blitzo pays up, and he and Moxxie walk out with the hotdog, before taking a bite of each end.)

Blitzo: Jesus, this thing is massive…

Moxxie: And I bet your weak stomach can’t handle it all, huh?

Blitzo: What’sthatsupposed to mean?

Moxxie: Well, not to be rude sir, but your incapability to eat too much. Your stomach can barely handle a burrito, Blitzo. You can’t eatthiswithout having diarrhea for days!

Blitzo: Oh yeah?! I challenge you, Moxxir! I challenge you to an eating contest! We each take half of this giant, greasy, delicious hot dog, and whoever finishes first gets a point! Whoever has more points wins!

Moxxie: Deal.

(As the bet is made, it cuts to Millie, Loona, and Zupper.)

Zupper: Why are we in a Hot Topic again?

Loona: Because Millie’s sense of style sucks. And, I’m here to help her with that.

Millie: Now, listen up, Loona. My style is justfine!I mean, I look amazing! Even then, I don’t care about how I look!

Loona: Yeah, but I do. I want you guys to actually look like you belong withme,okay? And not to some weird ass farmers.

Zupper: I thinkIlook fine.

Loona: You look like you were just dropped from the war.

Zupper: Well, I’m not wearing a sh*tty overpriced leather jacket!

Loona: And how’s it any better than your trench coat?

Zupper: The trench coat has gotclass!

Millie: C’mon, Zupper! Let’s give it a try, right? It might be fun!

Zupper: Still, no. You’ll have toforceme into that sh*tty emo clothing, you two!

(Loona jumps at Zupper, and elbow slams him, holding him there as Millie holds his feet and legs down.)

Zupper: LET GO!!! YOU!!! HEY, YOU!!!

(A Hot Topic employee looks at Zupper, and she seems confused.)


(The employee walks over, and grabs her makeup palette.)

Employee: So, do you guys want him to have purple, or blue?

Loona: Blue.

Millie: Yeah, blue.

(The two continue to hold Zupper down as the employee puts her makeup brush closer and closer to Zupper’s face. We see Blitzo and Moxxie at a Mexican place first, and they order the biggest burrito they can, before they get out. They start to eat, but Blitzo finishes it faster.)

Moxxie: Woah.

Blitzo: Haha! Who’s able to eat a burrito now, Mox?

Moxxie: Blitzo, I don’t think you should eat that fast… or thatmuch,for that matter!

Blitzo: What’s wrong, Moxxie? Afraid I’ll beat you? Hahahahaha!!! I’M AWESOME!

(Blitzo runs to the next fast food place, and Moxxie is just standing there. Suddenly, an Angel and Demon Moxxie appear. It’s the stereotypical shoulder Angel and Demon, trying to convince you in their favor.)

Angel Moxxie: You should really try to warn him, Moxxie! He could seriously mess up his stomach… and any toilet he uses…

Demon Moxxie: Then again, why warn him? He seems like he’ll be fine! Even then, it would behilariousto watch him run to the bathroom!

Angel Moxxie: No, you should do the right thing, Moxxie-

(Angel Moxxie is hit in the face with a pebble, and then Demon Moxxie pulls his halo down around his arms to trap him, and kicks Angel Moxxie off his shoulder.)

Demon Moxxie: Whatcha say, man? Don’t warn him?

Moxxie: Good idea, D!

(The Hot Topic is visible again, and we see Millie and Loona standing outside the dressing room. Millie is wearing a shirt that hangs a bit low below her breasts, and some gray leather shorts. They knock on the door.)

Loona: Zupper? Come out!

Zupper: No! I’m not humiliating myself!

Millie: Zupper, it’s alright! We don’t care about how you look, because you alwayslook good! So, come on out, and-

(Zupper walks out. He has black bows in his hair, mascara running down his face in a pattern, bite on vampire teeth, and eyelashes, alongside a red and black dress.)

Loona and Millie: Oooooohhhh…

(Zupper looks annoyed.)

Zupper: Can Ipleaseput on my normal outfit again? This dress hurts.

(Zupper pulls on his stockings, and starts to roll up his sleeves, before stepping back into the dressing room. However, Loona walks in, and a few seconds later, Zupper walks out, this time in a silky red gown going from his shoulders to his thighs, and red high heels, alongside burning pink lipstick.)


(Millie falls over laughing, and Zupper huffs, before stepping into the dressing room again. This time, he emerges in a frilly pink dress that is all fluffed up around his legs, and his hair is tied up with a pink bow.)

Zupper: I hate both of you.

(Millie and Loona are dying of laughter, and Millie has fallen onto the floor, rolling around with laughter.)

Zupper: That floor is dirty as sh*t, Millie. You’re probably getting 3 types of flu’s by being down there.

(Millie immediately stops, and gets up, before rubbing hand sanitizer all over her body.)

Millie: Ew… Ew… Ew… Ew... Ew…

Loona: Alright, Zupper. It’s my mission today to make sure you look good.

Employee: Hey. I got a fit for him.

(Everyone looks at the employee.)

Loona: sh*t, alright! What is it?

Employee: Well, it’s not entirelymyidea…

(Suddenly, Verosika walks out from the back room, with her posse.)

Verosika: Hello, everyone. Who needs fashion tips?

(Zupper groans, and tries to walk away, but Millie pulls him back.)

Verosika:Snrrk… Wow! Haha! That outfit sucks on you, Zupper! And I thought the thing I hated about you most was howuglyyou are!

Zupper: Wow. And here I thoughtIlooked like a little c*nt!

Veroskia: What?! That’s not true-

Zupper: At the very least, I have apersonality,instead of being a slu*tty succubus that’s only good for getting f*cked in her hole!

Verosika: S-shut the f*ck up, you-

Zupper: How about you choke on a dick,BITCH!?

(Verosika sits there in silence, before scoffing, and turning away. Suddenly, Zupper grabs his trench coat, and walks into his dressing room, going back to his normal fit.)

Zupper: Let’s go, you two.

(Loona and Millie nod, before walking out. It cuts to Blitzo and Moxxie with two giant pizza slices. Blitzo is drooling over it.)

Moxxie: Blitzo. That is the Papa Pizza, a 10 pound slice of pizza! You need to goslow!

(Blitzo scarfs it down in a few seconds.)

Blitzo: Too late, Mox! The Papa Pizza is in Papa Blitzo.

Moxxie: Blitzo, that’s gonna wreck you! I can’t believe you don’t have a stomachache right now!

Blitzo: Listen, Mox. When you have a stomach of steel like me-

(Blitzo stops when his stomach make an audible groan, and Moxxie backs away a bit.)

Moxxie: Uh…

Blitzo: …That’s new.

Moxxie: Sir, are you okay?

Blitzo: Yeah! Yeah, I’m fine. So, what’s next? Cause, so far, I’m beating yo- OOOOEEWWWW!!! Oh wow! Oh wow! Oh, wow, they’re coming faster now, Moxxie! Oh wow!

Moxxie: O-okay, sir! Let’s just get you out-

(As Moxxie helps Blitzo up, Blitzo accidentally knocks over his glass of water, and starts to whine.)

Blitzo: Ahhhhhh, my water broke, Moxxie!

(Moxxie starts to walk Blitzo out.)

Blitzo: Don’t look at me, I’m hideous!!! I’m having contractions, I’m pregnant!

Moxxie: You’re not pregnant, Blitzo!

Blitzo: Will Stolas still love me?

Moxxie:… Y-you don’t want me to answer that, sir.

(The sun starts to set, and everyone meets back up at the place they were meeting.)

Loona: Holy sh*t, Blitzo. What happened?

Millie: Did Blitz get pregnant?

Blitzo: No! I just ate too much.

Zupper: Never mind that. Let’s get down and take out Paul.

(Zupper shoots a zip line at the window when it gets dark. He, Moxxie, and Millie go at different times, but Loona carries a groaning Blitzo with her as she zips. They crash through the window, and decimate the guards, before running into Paul Rubaul’s office.)

Paul: Huh?! Who are you all?!

Zupper: We’re here to kill you, Mr. Rubaul. You’re a descendant of Adolf Hitler. And, we’re going to make sure you’re thelastof his family tree.

Paul: Ah, I see. Well, I do want to be killed. But, don’t kill me yourself, please. I want to die slowly. Of old age. I… well, I just want to seem f*cking cool!

Moxxie: That just sounds sad, though!

Paul: Yeah, but imagine me, laying on my deathbed. My final words: “I’m grateful I could stop it… The Cursed Bloodline…”

Loona: Goddamn, that’s depressing.

Paul: I suppose it is… but, before you go, allow me to tell you. Allow me to tell the thereal reason Adolf was rejected from art school… it all started, in 1907-

(Zupper just outright shoots Paul in the back of the head, with a blank expression.)

Millie: W- ZUPPER?! WHY, THOUGH!?!

Zupper: That would’ve gotten boring really fast. I didn’t want to have to sit through all that.

Moxxie: You could’ve at the very leasttold him!!!

Zupper: That just seemed disrespectful to do!

Blitzo: Oh, so it was normal to shoot him- wait, where’s Loona?

(Loona is walking away, holding the grimorie.)

Blitzo: Loona, wait! That’s not something you can just take!

Loona: I won’tstealit! I’m just borrowing it for a few hours!

Blitzo: Guys! Stop Loona!

(Moxxie, Millie, and Zupper chase after Loona, with Blitzo running, holding his stomach.)

Blitzo: Wait! Wait for… me… oh, god…

(Loona uses the book to open a portal on the roof, and Blitzo gets up with everyone else. Suddenly, Verosika appears.)

Verosika: Oh, great. I have to deal withyou,Blitzo.

Blitzo: Move, Verosika! I have to-

(Suddenly, Blitzo’s stomach growls, and he holds it in pain.)

Blitzo: Uhhh… haha! Well, I’d love to talk, but Nature is calling, and… she has a lot to say!!!

(Blitzo runs away, holding his stomach, but yells from down the staircase, still running.)

Blitzo: Moxxie, Millie, buy some Pepto Bismol!!!

(Moxxie and Millie run after Blitzo, trying to help him, but Zupper goes after Loona, and runs through the portal as it closes. Loona is in Stolas’ mansion, and she secretly grabs Octavia. Octavia stuffs some pillows under her blanket, to make it look like she’s sleeping. However, Zupper runs at them, accidentally charging through the empty window, and falling through doors, until landing in Stolas’ bathroom, seeing him taking a bath.)

Stolas: What? What are you doing here, Zupper!?

Zupper: No time to explain!

(Zupper runs at Loona and Octavia, who go in a portal to Earth, before Loona runs away, carrying Octavia.)

Zupper: Loona, stop running!

Loona: No! This is an important night for Octavia, and I’m her best friend, so I’m helping her!

(Zupper and Loona keep running, until Zupper trips Loona, catching Octavia and setting her down safely. Loona punches Supper in the face, and he retaliates with a kick to the stomach. Zupper jumps on Loona’s back, and starts running on her like she’s a bull.)

Loona: Octavia, go! I’ll hold him off!

(Zupper ties Loona up by the hands and feet, while Octavia runs. Moxxie and Millie come out of a portal, and Zupper tranquilizes them, before tightening Loona’s ropes.)

Loona: All of this because you’re a salty little asshole that wants Octavia for yourself!

Zupper: Look who’s talking, you emo teenage bitch!


Zupper: At leastIcan control my anger!

Loona: Oh, that’s rich coming outta your mouth, asshole!

(Zupper looks at Loona, seemingly contemplating to let her free, but instead runs off.)

Loona: You wonder why you have no f*cking friends, Zupper!!!

(Octavia runs to the observatory, and when she gets to the top, barricades the door. She sits down, panting heavily from exhaustion, and steps to the edge, ready to see the stars. But, Zupper overpowers the barricade, and charges through the door, crashing into Octavia, and they fall through a door. Zupper curls around Octavia to protect her as they fall down the stairs, and as he lets her go, she punches him in the face.)

Octavia: What the hell is wrong with you?!

Zupper: I-I came to save you! You were running!

Octavia: Yeah, cause I was seeing the stars! Like Iwantedto do, but my dad was too worried about me!

Zupper: I didn’t know! But, we can go up there, and-

(Octavia pushes him away.)

Octavia: NO!!! I’m not going anywhere with you! Besides, the star shower is over by now! If we were to go up the stairs, then it would be ending by the time we got up if weran!

(Zupper is just watching her.)

Zupper: Octavia-

Octavia: NO! Don’t talk to me! I’m done, Zupper! I-I can’t take this anymore!!! My mom, my dad,you… I CAN’T TAKE IT! Every aspect of my life is terrible, and it willneverget better!

Zupper: D-don’t say that-

Octavia: Why?! Why doyoucare, Zupper!??! You’re the moody, bloodthirsty assassin! Why do youCARE!?!?!

Zupper: …Octavia… because I love you! I’ve always loved you, and everything about you! Your hair, your smarts, your quietness, your compassion! I know I don’t show it, but Ido! I love you with all my heart, Octavia!!! That’s why I chased you! I was… I was scared for you! I want to protect you, be there for you…Be with you.

(Octavia is staring at Zupper, angrily.)

Octavia: You know what, Zupper? I loved you too! But, you’ve proved to me, that love with you… is impossible. I’m trying not to sound ungrateful for you saving my life a few days ago, but…scoff… I can’t do it with you! You just denied me one of the greatest things I love to see!

Zupper: But-but, I-I thought-

Octavia: Thought what, Zupper? Thought that I would instantly love you? No! This isn’t a happy story where everything is perfect! I-Iusedto love you, but- you don’t understand! After everything… EVERYTHING I’ve been through, this was theONEthing I was looking forward to! It might’ve actually made me happy!! Because- because I’m being taken away from my dad! My mom is taking full custody of me! This was thelasttime I would’ve been able to see the stars! And- and you ruined it! I’m sorry, I’m not trying to be an asshole, it’s just-

(Octavia starts to rub the tears from her eyes, and Zupper reaches his hand out, but she slaps it away.)

Octavia: Don’t touch me! I don’t want you near me!!!

Zupper: I-I’m sorry… I didn’t want to… I-

Octavia: Well, it happened now, asshole!

(A very subtle, sad whine, like a pigs, comes from Zupper. You can barely hear it, but… it’s there.)

Zupper: I can fix this, I can-

Octavia: NO, YOU CAN’T!!!

(Octavia’s eyes glow, and her wings ruffle as she yells, poking Zupper in the chest.)

Octavia: Everything you do leads to misery! Everything you try to do to be “helpful”- which, first off, NEVER IS HELPFUL TO ANYONE BUT YOU!!! “Oh, Moxxie needs help with paperwork? Why don’t I help him, but only if he can shut the f*ck up for a few hours!” And then, whenever youTRYto help, it never ends up being helpful, cause all you do is yell, and yell, and yell! Son of a f*cking co*ck sucking imp hoe!

(Zupper doesn’t have the apathetic, or angry look in his black eyes. He looks… sad.)

Zupper: Octavia, I didn’t mean to-

(Octavia turns away, and opens the door to the outside, so she can do use the grimorie.)

Octavia: Bye, Zupper. I’m done.

Zupper: I actually dolove you, Octavia. I really do…

(Octavia sighs, and stands there for a minute, before turning around with an annoyed look.)

Octavia: And I’m glad… that I can’t say ittoo…

(Octavia walks out the room, and the door closes behind her. As Zupper watches, his eyes widen in sadness, and we can see tears falling from his eyes, soaking his face. He bites his lower lip, and clenches his fists into balls, so hard you might think his knuckles will break, until he punches himself. He does it again and again, crying and screaming at himself, before he grips his hair, and pulls at it, ripping some out.)


(Octavia is walking through the grass outside, before an electrical worker with brown skin and darker brown hair walks up beside her.)

Worker: Hey, kid. You okay?

Octavia: No, I’m not…

(The worker talks to her.)

Worker: Damn… where you going?

Octavia: Home. I’m going to try and savor my last few days… before I go live with my mom. There’s a royal ball at the end of this week, and after… she’s taking me with her.

Worker: I see. Well, I wish you the best. What’s your name?

Octavia: Octavia.

Worked: Nice. Alright, kid. Hope you have a good rest of your night, and… nice demon costume.

Octavia: Thanks…

(Zupper punches the walls, making his knuckles bleed, before he grabs his knife. He looks at the clean, shiny metal, before silently crying, putting the tip to his wrist, and…)

(Zupper walks back into the hotel, holding his hand.)

Charlie: Zupper! How’d your day go?

(Zupper grips at his arm.)

Zupper: Good…

Charlie: Are you okay? Y-you’re body looks worn out.

Zupper: Tough target, Charlie. I’m fine.

Darwin: You want to hand out with all of us? We’re playing a board game!

Zupper: No, Darwin. I-I’m tired. I’m gonna… lay down.

(Charlie holds his hand. The one thatheisn’t holding.)

Charlie: Remember, Zupper. If you ever need to talk to me… I’m here, okay?

Zupper: I know, Charlie…

(Zupper walks up the stairs to his room, and takes off his trench coat as soon as he closes the door, and looks in the mirror. His hair is messy, one of his eyes looks a bit dark around the bottom, and his body is covered in cuts from his knife, but especially… his wrist. It’s been gashed by his knife, with blood dripping down. He winces and sucks his teeth and he feels it, before wiping it off a bit. He takes off his shirt, and sits on the bed, holding his wrist.)

Zupper: …

(He starts to wipe tears from his eyes, and lays his head back on the pillow.)

Zupper: Loona’s right… Thisis why I have no friends…

(With a final sigh, Zupper lays down, and begins to fall asleep. 15 minutes later, the door creaks open. Charlie and Darwin walk in slowly, and Charlie rubs Zupper’s arm, not seeing the cut on his wrist. She gives him a caring kiss on the forehead, and leaves, and Darwin sits next to Zupper, before curling up next to him, and snuggling down, resting.)

Hazbin Hotel: The Journey To Protect Hell - Chapter 11 - GuitarSpear4Ever (2024)
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Author: Madonna Wisozk

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Author information

Name: Madonna Wisozk

Birthday: 2001-02-23

Address: 656 Gerhold Summit, Sidneyberg, FL 78179-2512

Phone: +6742282696652

Job: Customer Banking Liaison

Hobby: Flower arranging, Yo-yoing, Tai chi, Rowing, Macrame, Urban exploration, Knife making

Introduction: My name is Madonna Wisozk, I am a attractive, healthy, thoughtful, faithful, open, vivacious, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.