14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (2024)

There is nothing better at the end of a long day than getting everyone fed and ready for bed then taking some much needed time to yourself. Everyone does this in different ways, for some people it’s cozying up on the sofa with a cup of tea and binge watching a favorite TV show, for others it’s heading to bed with a good book, for me it’s running myself a roasting hot bath, filling it to the brim with bubbles and soaking in it until I look like a prune.

I have recently become very interested in looking at ingredients on the backs of skincare bottles and must admit that some of the chemicals I found in my everyday products shocked me. After doing a bit of research I came across a whole market of natural skincare products, many of which you can make yourself at home.

Of course, I cannot give up my baths, so it was the products I was using that had to be changed out. The beauty of making your own bubble bath is that you can choose exactly what scents you want it to have, whether that be something spicy, sweet or heavenly floral. A homemade bubble bath would also make a perfect gift for anyone you think could be doing with a little bit of TLC.

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (1)

Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes

1. Honey Vanilla Bubble Bath

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (2)

Vanilla is one of my all-time favorite scents, and I can imagine when mixed with honey it would create the most beautiful, warming scent. I like that this Honey Vanilla Bubble Bath would smell sweet, but not in the sickly sense.

You would hop out of this bath smelling like a freshly baked cake, and that is not something I object to. I had never thought that a homemade bubble bath would contain egg white, but apparently, this holds the secret to big, luxurious bubbles. As well as the obvious vanilla and honey this recipe also includes almond oil, which will not only add another element of delicious scent but also leave your skin silky smooth.

2. Bubbling Bath Salts

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I am not against trying out different styles of bubble baths as long as I know what is in them and because I can easily make these Bubbling Bath Salts myself, that wouldn’t be an issue.

One of the things I really love about this recipe is the consistency of the salts. They look like they congeal well together, meaning that you benefit from their exfoliating properties without going through the tricky and uncomfortable experience of having grainy salt lining the bottom of the tub. This DIY comes with six suggestions for soothing aromatherapy blends, I especially like the look of the ‘uplifting strengthening stress release’ one.

3. Lavender Bubble Bath

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (4)

What better way to end a long, stressful day than by soaking yourself in a warm, lavender-scented bubble bath? I love using lavender scented products in the evenings, from body lotions to pillow sprays, and I would happily add this Lavender Bubble Bath into my nighttime routine.

The use of the whole stems of lavender in this recipe both looks pretty and means that you will get a strong, natural scent from them. You can also experiment with different scents of essential oils, playing around with different combinations until you find one that smells calming enough to send you right off to sleep.

4. Calming Bubble Bath for Kids

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (5)

It is always important to be hesitant when thinking about what products to use on your kids’ skin, and the best way to address any worries you may have surrounding this is by making your own products.

This Calming Bubble Bath for Kids has very few ingredients, and you can be sure to use kid-friendly soap in your recipe. It has been left up to you to choose which essential oil to use in your bubble bath, so you can make bath time smell however you want to. Although this recipe is aimed towards children, my sister, who is definitely no longer a child, really struggles with sensitive skin, especially when it comes to scented bath products, so I think this would work really well for her.

5. Solid Bubble Bath

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (6)

I love buying things like this as a little treat to myself every now and again, but they can be rather pricey and I would be able to use them far more often if I could just whip up a batch myself.

This Solid Bubble Bath DIY includes a handy video tutorial. I find these incredibly useful when making something for the first time, it means that you can detect any mistakes early on as opposed to only realizing that something has gone wrong when the final product isn’t quite right. I have doubts about my ability to achieve a perfect color swirl on the side of my bubble bars, but I will give it my best shot and am looking forward to having some fun picking out my colors.

6. Apple Scented Bubble Bath

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (7)

The scent of apple is the perfect combination of sweet and fresh, and one that I love using in bath and shower products. The adorable little bottle this Apple Scented Bubble Bath has been put in, also played a part in drawing me to it of course, with the little label and silk leaves, and it would make the loveliest gift.

Apple is a great all-year-round scent, its freshness perfect in spring and it is a traditional fall treat. It is obviously not necessary to change your bath products with the seasons, but it’s a nice bit of fun. Because of its color, I can imagine this would turn your bath and bubbles a beautiful shade of pink.

7. Essential Oil Bubble Bath

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (8)

It was the unique choice of the container which first drew me to this Essential Oil Bubble Bath. Most bubble baths I have used previously have come in bottles that you have to squeeze in order to get any product out. Of course, this isn’t difficult but I can imagine that by using this empty olive oil dispenser you could really swish the product around as you pour it, making mounds of fluffy bubbles.

The scent of this bubble bath is left entirely up to you. If you wanted to use other scented bath products like oils or salts, then you could even leave it unscented and let its only job be to create your bubbles.

8. Lavender Chamomile Bubble Bath

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The introduction to this DIY includes some highly interesting facts about the benefits of taking baths, which I am extremely happy to have learned so that I can now effectively justify spending hours in the tub. I didn’t know any of this before, but baths are thought to reduce anxiety levels and significantly improve your mood.

There aren’t many scents that could calm you more than a Lavender Chamomile Bubble Bath, meaning it would be perfect for a relaxing evening. This recipe has a couple of yummy added extras like honey and almond oil, adding both sweetness and those all-important skin softening properties.

9. Foaming Bubble Bath

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This Foaming Bubble Bath looks like it would create a luxurious layer of soft bubbles all over the top of the water in your tub. The recipe makes a good point of saying that many chemicals used to create the huge bubbles you get from store-bought products are not only harmful to your skin but also to the environment.

I like that it offers a natural alternative, even if that means sacrificing bubble volume. There are two different recipes suggested here, I especially like the look of the ‘Creamy Honey’ one as the scents are right up my street.

10. Calming Bubble Bath

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I could most certainly do with injecting a little, or a lot of, calm into my life, and maybe this Calming Bubble Bath is one of the simplest ways to start doing that. Not only is it simple to make, but once you had collected all the ingredients you could keep them for a long time, enabling you to whip up a batch whenever you wish.

The addition of food coloring is optional but I think it’s a fun idea so would definitely be trying it out. I am feeling relaxed and cozy just thinking of the scent combination that is vanilla and chamomile, and with any luck bathing in this before bed would leave the scent on your skin for a completely restful night.

11. Play Dough Bubble Bath

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I challenge you to try and find a kid who doesn’t go absolutely crazy at the idea of this Play Dough Bubble Bath. My little sister was not a fan of bath time when she was little, but if this had been in there she would have hopped right in without a doubt.

The base recipe for this play dough only has three ingredients, all of which are easy to get your hands on. The additional ingredients of essential oils and coloring are optional, but I would definitely advise adding them for a bit of scent and prettiness. It will last for a couple of baths and make for hours of bubbly bath time fun.

12. Essential Oil Blend Bubble Bath

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I am intrigued by the fact that this recipe has white sugar in it. I am not sure what it adds to the bubble bath, maybe an exfoliating nature, but whatever it is I am desperate to try it out.

The suggested scent combinations that come along with thisEssential Oil Blend Bubble Bath all look divine, and I think I will probably have to make five different batches as there isn’t one that I don’t want to try. I am a huge fan of fresh, citrus scents so I think that if I had to choose one I would have to go with ‘Sunny Citrus’ which uses bergamot, orange, geranium and ylang ylang. You could have fun choosing what colors to pair with what scents.

13. Bubble Gum Bubble Bath

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This one is double the bubble. Kids would love this sweet scented Bubble Gum Bubble Bath, and you could give it to someone in a fun gift box with some actual bubble gum. My little cousin is just starting to get really into bath products but her skin isn’t quite old enough to cope with anything harsh, so this would be perfect for her and she would love the scent.

Contrary to what you might think, this recipe is just as soothing and kind to the skin as any other homemade bubble bath is, so don’t be put off by the scent. I feel like having a bath in this would be a blast from the past, bringing back those glittery bubble gum scented lip glosses and body sprays.

14. Coconut Bubble Bath

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I will lather any skin products which include coconut oil right onto myself, no questions asked. It is one of the most effective natural ingredients out there, in my opinion, to give you truly soft, nourished skin.

This Coconut Bubble Bath recipe suggests using rose and jasmine essential oils to scent it, but you could go with whatever you would prefer. I personally think I would go for a vanilla scent, not only because I love it so much, but because it would go hand in hand with the coconut. Bathing in this would help to soothe aches and pains as well as dealing with problem skin, so prepare yourself to step out of the tub a new person.

Conclusion – Mix, Use and Enjoy

Everyone likes their bath to be a certain way. If you ask everyone you know how they like their bath the temperature will vary, the depth will vary, the time they spend in it will vary, the products they use will vary, but the addition of bubbles seems to be a pretty consistent element.

I am excited to give my bath time routine a bit of a makeover by trying out some of these homemade bubble bath ideas and to try out some new scents. The Honey Vanilla Bubble Bath sounds like something I would reach for in a store so it would be nice to be able to make my own. On nights I am struggling to switch off and relax I feel like the Lavender Chamomile Bubble Bath could just be my savior.

Is having a bath one of your favorite ways to wind down? What are your favorite kinds of scents to add to the tub?

14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (16)

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14 Luxurious Homemade Bubble Bath Recipes to Turn Your Home Into a Spa (2024)


How do you make a foam bath at home? ›

In Janice Cox's book Natural Beauty at Home, she recommends this bubble bath recipe: take a clean container, mix 1/2 cup mild liquid hand or body soap, 1 tablespoon sugar or honey, and one egg white. Then pour the entire mixture under the running water as you draw your bath.

How do you make an extra bubbly bath? ›

For a truly bubbly bath, you're best off adding the mix you've created into the stream of running water straight from the tap. The stronger the water pressure, the bigger the bubbles.

Can you use Dawn dish soap for bubble bath? ›

Yes, it is safe to use dish soap as a substitute for a bubble bath. Dish soap is made to be gentle on the skin and is designed to remove grease and dirt from dishes.

What is the best homemade bubble bath? ›

Keep things simple by mixing 1 cup warm water with 1 cup Dr. Bronner's Unscented Pure-Castile liquid soap. Next add 1 tablespoon coconut or almond oil, 1 teaspoon Epsom salt, and 2 to 3 drops of your favorite, non-irritating, essential oil.

What is the difference between a bubble bath and a foam bath? ›

Less commonly, aerated or carbonated baths are called bubble baths. Bubbles on top of the water, less ambiguously known as a foam bath (see photo), can be obtained by adding a product containing foaming surfactants to water and temporarily aerating it by agitation (often merely by the fall of water filling the tub).

What is the best bath for anxiety? ›

Magnesium bath salts

Epsom Salts are excellent for relaxing your body if you're feeling tight, tense or achy from stress. Magnesium flakes are more suited to calming the mind to help you sleep better or feel less anxious.

What does a bath bomb do? ›

The Bath Bombs release minerals and emollients into the soapy warm water, allowing them to refresh and rejuvenate your skin while leaving you looking and feeling great.

What is the best soap for bubbles? ›

If you live in an area with hard water and are having difficulties making good bubbles, try using distilled water (available at the grocery store). Johnson's® baby shampoo produces better bubbles than any of the dish soaps we tried, Dawn® dishwashing liquid (blue) was our soap of choice.

How do you make bubbles in a hotel bathtub? ›

All you need is the body wash or shampoo that your. hotel provides. Turn on the tap or shower and pour in. the body wash/shower as the water pours.

What makes baths bubbly? ›

Bubbles on top of the water, less ambiguously known as a foam bath (see photo), can be obtained by adding a product containing foaming surfactants to water and temporarily aerating it by agitation (often merely by the fall of water filling the tub).

Is bath foam the same as bubble bath? ›

Foam baths and bubble baths are the same exact thing. FUN FACT! Did you know that the bubbles, or foam, that is produced helps to insulate the bathwater? What that means those delicious bubbles created not only feel great on the skin, but it also helps to keep your bath warmer for a longer period of time.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.