Uifigure (2024)

1. Create figure for designing apps - MATLAB uifigure - MathWorks

  • fig = uifigure creates a figure for building a user interface and returns the Figure object. This is the type of figure that App Designer uses.

  • This MATLAB function creates a figure for building a user interface and returns the Figure object.

2. Control UI figure appearance and behavior for uifigure - MathWorks

  • Window Appearance · Interactivity · Window Callbacks

  • UI figures are containers for creating apps in App Designer or programmatically with the uifigure function.

3. Customizing uifigures part 1 - Undocumented Matlab

  • 21 jul 2016 · Matlab's new web-based uifigures can be customized in a variety of undocumented ways.

  • Matlab's new web-based uifigures can be customized in a variety of undocumented ways.

Customizing uifigures part 1 - Undocumented Matlab

4. Introduction to App Designer - MATLAB Number ONE

  • The constructor calls a private function createComponents, which creates a UI Figure using the uifigure function. It then uses the dot notation to set ...

  • Typing the command appdesigner in the Command Window will bring up the App Designer. Fig. 1 shows the App Designer; in the middle is the blank layout under “Design View.” The Component Library on the left shows the icons of the components that can be created. On the right are the Component Browser and Component Properties Windows. In the Component Browser, the default name for the blank figure, app. UIFigure, can be seen.

5. uifigure - Документация

  • fig = uifigure создает фигуру для создания пользовательского интерфейса и возвращает Figure объект. Это - тип фигуры, которую использует App Designer.

  • This MATLAB function creates a figure for building a user interface and returns the Figure object.

6. uifigure - Matlab and Simulink Tutorials

  • fig = uifigure creates a figure for building a user interface and returns the Figure object. This is the type of figure that App Designer uses.

  • fig = uifigure creates a figure for building a user interface and returns the Figure object. This is the type of figure that App Designer uses.

uifigure - Matlab and Simulink Tutorials

7. Adding a New UI Element to a MATLAB App with App Designer

Adding a New UI Element to a MATLAB App with App Designer

8. Canvas class - APP DESIGNER (uiaxes/uifigure) - PUC-Rio

  • Canvas class - APP DESIGNER (uiaxes/uifigure). This is an abstract class to facilitate the development of graphical applications that deal with MATLAB axes ...

  • This is an abstract class to facilitate the development of graphical applications that deal with MATLAB axes objects as canvases to draw models, plot graphs and enable mouse interactivity.

9. GNU Octave - Bugs: bug #65459, uifigure ('visible','off')... [Savannah]

  • 13 mrt 2024 · in that case i would support a blanket uifigure 'not fully implemented' warning on any call to the function that captures some of what Markus ...

  • Savannah is a central point for development, distribution and maintenance of free software, both GNU and non-GNU.

10. UI Figure Properties - Документация

  • Общие коллбэки · ButtonDownFcn — Кнопка вниз коллбэк '' (значение по умолчанию) | указатель на функцию | массив ячеек | вектор символов · CreateFcn — Функция ...

  • UI figures are containers for creating apps in App Designer or programmatically with the uifigure function.

11. U.S. Figure Skating EMS: Sign In

  • View Full Desktop Site · Terms of Use; |; Privacy Policy; |; Contact Member Services. © 2024 - U.S. Figure Skating. Version 1.215.0.

  • Manage your profile, sign up for competitions, events, training, view your messages, join a club, and more.

12. CS112: MATLAB extras - Computer Science

  • App Startup Function. The Figure window for an App, named app.UIFigure by default, has a startupFcn callback function that you can define, ...

  • This document describes some additional MATLAB background and examples that may be useful for your final projects, illustrating the following topics:

13. Tailwind Card Component - daisyUI

  • Tailwind Card examples: Cards are used to group and display content in a way that is easily readable. component.

  • Tailwind Card examples: Cards are used to group and display content in a way that is easily readable. component

Tailwind Card Component - daisyUI

14. 5Ktoys – 5ktoys

In the dynamic world of software development, creating visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces is paramount. Enter UIFigure, a powerful tool that empowers developers to craft captivating user interfaces with ease. In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into the intricacies of UIFigure, exploring its features, benefits, and best practices for implementation. Whether you're a seasoned developer or just starting out, this article will equip you with the knowledge and skills to elevate your UI design game.

Understanding UIFigure: A Brief Overview

At its core, UIFigure is a graphical user interface (GUI) creation tool built into MATLAB. It allows developers to design and customize interactive UI components using a simple drag-and-drop interface, eliminating the need for complex coding. With UIFigure, you can effortlessly create windows, buttons, sliders, plots, and more, bringing your applications to life with stunning visuals.

Getting Started with UIFigure

Getting started with UIFigure is a breeze. Simply open MATLAB and navigate to the "Apps" tab, where you'll find the UIFigure app. Clicking on it will launch the UIFigure editor, where you can begin building your UI from scratch or choose from a variety of pre-designed templates to kickstart your project. The intuitive interface makes it easy to add, arrange, and customize UI components to suit your needs.

Exploring UIFigure Features

UIFigure boasts a plethora of features designed to streamline the UI design process. From customizable layouts and styling options to built-in support for interactivity and data visualization, UIFigure has everything you need to create polished and professional-looking interfaces. Some notable features include:

1. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Say goodbye to manual coding with UIFigure's intuitive drag-and-drop interface. Simply select the desired UI component from the toolbar and drop it onto the canvas, where you can easily resize, reposition, and customize it to your heart's content.

2. Styling Options: Customize the look and feel of your UI components with ease using UIFigure's extensive styling options. From changing colors and fonts to adding gradients and shadows, the possibilities are endless when it comes to creating visually stunning interfaces.

3. Interactivity: Take your UI to the next level with built-in support for interactivity. With UIFigure, you can easily add callbacks, event handlers, and animations to make your interface come alive and engage users in meaningful ways.

4. Data Visualization: Harness the power of data visualization with UIFigure's built-in plotting capabilities. Whether you're creating charts, graphs, or plots, UIFigure makes it easy to display and analyze data in a visually compelling manner.

Best Practices for UIFigure Design

While UIFigure makes UI design accessible to developers of all skill levels, adhering to best practices is essential to creating interfaces that are not only visually appealing but also intuitive and user-friendly. Here are some tips to help you make the most of UIFigure:

1. Keep it Simple: Avoid cluttering your interface with unnecessary elements. Focus on essential features and prioritize simplicity and clarity in your design.

2. Consistency is Key: Maintain a consistent design language throughout your interface to ensure a cohesive user experience. Use consistent colors, fonts, and styling across all UI components.

3. Optimize for Usability: Prioritize usability by organizing UI elements in a logical and intuitive manner. Group related elements together and use clear labels and instructions to guide users through the interface.

4. Test and Iterate: Don't be afraid to experiment with different design options and solicit feedback from users. Testing and iterating on your design will help you identify areas for improvement and refine your interface over time.


In conclusion, UIFigure is a powerful tool that empowers developers to create stunning user interfaces with ease. From its intuitive drag-and-drop interface to its extensive feature set, UIFigure offers everything you need to bring your UI design visions to life. By following best practices and embracing the creative possibilities of UIFigure, you can create interfaces that not only look great but also enhance the overall user experience.


1. Can UIFigure be used for both desktop and web applications? Yes, UIFigure is versatile and can be used to create UIs for both desktop and web applications.

2. Is UIFigure compatible with other programming languages besides MATLAB? No, UIFigure is specifically designed for use with MATLAB and is not compatible with other programming languages.

3. Can I customize the appearance of UI components created with UIFigure? Yes, UIFigure offers extensive styling options that allow you to customize the appearance of UI components to suit your preferences.

4. Does UIFigure support responsive design for mobile devices? While UIFigure does not natively support responsive design, you can implement responsive design principles manually to ensure your UIs look great on mobile devices.

5. Is UIFigure suitable for beginners with no prior UI design experience? Yes, UIFigure is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to developers of all skill levels, making it suitable for beginners as well as experienced developers.

Uifigure (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.