Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (2024)

With the wide availability of Baby-led weaning books and researches, it’s advisable to start indulging your baby with spiced food as early as 6 to 8 months. The idea and fact with experience behind this being the sooner the baby develops a relative sense of taste for spice, the easier it’ll be to introduce new foods and textures.

Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (1)

It’s very logical and commonly understood if you have been eating spiced up foods while breastfeeding, well in that case your baby may have already been exposed to the taste. Spices need to be introduced one at a time in small amounts. Advisable is to wait for about four to six days before introducing another spice or indulging in new food. This is the best way to possibly bar on the allergic reaction and can be spotted relevantly.

These spices flavor baby food and can have health benefits. Let’s discuss the number of Spices available for babies. To mention a few,

  • Cinnamon
  • Cumin
  • Cardamom
  • Clove
  • Turmeric
  • Nutmeg
  • Saffron
  • Vanilla
  • Pepper
  • Rosemary
  • Coriander
  • Asafetida
  • Mint
  • Fenugreek seeds
  • Garlic

The list never ends, hence just a few to start with. In continuation to this let’s quickly learn the art of Spicing the baby food with the Magic of the other 4 C’s spices that are, Cinnamon, Cardamom Cumin, and Clove. Now let’s quickly get Cinnamoned.

Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (2)

1. Cinnamon

Cinnamon is one of the most delicious spices blessed with great medicinal qualities and is among the baby-friendly spices. Naturally delivering mild flavors and definitely palatable, hence suggested introducing our little one to the tastes and benefits of spices as early as possible in the porridges, purees, savories, and energy ladoos. Getting the Cinnamon back into action in the food and not just storing them is the first step to start benefiting.

Cinnamon in English is Daalacheeneee or Dalcinni in Hindi and Kannada is Pattai in Tamil is the inner bark of a particular tree called Cinnamomum. This spice is available in stick form and powder, well with respect to babies, Cinnamon stick can be given to babies at the teething stage for holding and biting releasing the teething pain making them calmer because of its enzymes and it’s also available in powder form which can be added and sprinkles onto the foods, purees, and savories.

Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (3)

Baby Food Combination

• Sprinkling Cinnamon powder into processed fruits like applesauce, mashed bananas, pear purees for that matter any fruit puree and fruit sauce.

• Its flavors blend well with vegetables such as Sweet potato, Carrot soups, beetroot jam, tomato soup or puree with two or their vegetables combination purees and soups.

• Being a mother of a fussy eater my way to use cinnamon is to sprinkle on cooked Oatmeal, Rice cereal, Yogurt, Savories, and all the homemade health mixes with Millet and Dry fruits and cake mixes as suggested by one of my baker friends.

• Sprinkling it over the tea

• Garnishing on the savories

• Using Cinnamon Oil in basic food or can be categorized

• Adding on to the baby milk and baby formula

Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (4)

Goodness of Cinnamon

• Eases sensitive stomachs

• Regulate blood sugar

• Loaded with powerful antioxidants making it a superfood or super spice

• Helps in digestion

• Cinnamon powder with honey is given for curbing cold

• Cinnamon water boosts immunity

• Anti-inflammatory properties help the body fight infections and lower the risk of disease

• Cuts the risk of heart diseases and reduces Blood pressure

• Lowers Blood sugar level with an anti-diabetic effect

• Protective against Cancer

• Fights Bacterial and Fungal infections

• Protects Brain Function and enhances brain development

• Naturally protects Dental Health and initiates Fresh Breath

Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (5)

Special qualities of Cinnamon

• Recent research shows that Cinnamon regulates and initiates one’s learning ability, sharpens memory power and brain abilities.

• Reduces anxiety

With all this knowledge about Cinnamon, it’s better late, than never to start spicing up baby food with this ingenious spice delivering abundant benefits for the bay’s development and growth. In short, it’s available in all dry fruits stores, supermarkets, and spices shops.

How to make homemade Cinnamon Powder?

Consider grinding the Cinnamon sticks in a mixed grinder in short turns and sieve it fine, well now we are good to go, Cinnamon powder is ready to store in air-tight containers locking the aroma and freshness once cooled.

“Baby-friendly” spices are mild, easy and light on new and developing taste buds, and simple to digest in the little tummy. Being parents we often hear the word and panic instantly thinking on “spice” and assume by default as “spicy taste.” Well, this does not necessarily need to be spicy spice, there are easing spices as well..

Each of these above-mentioned spices is safe, easy to use, easily available, and most of all, filled with flavorful goodness, adding simple and light flavor to the little one’s food.

2. Cardamoms

Exceptionally aromatic Cardamoms naturally adding spice and sweetness right from baby food to adults are holding medicinal qualities in their Green pods the tiny black seeds. Green Cardamom or locally called Elaichi can be introduced to babies from or after 7 months + in the form of Cardamom powder. We can add this can be added to porridges, fruit purees, veggie purees, health mixes, and even pancakes which feeding babies with their regular food and during their mealtime.

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How much quantity of Cardamom can be added to baby food?

Preferably to start with 1/4 – 1/2 teaspoon makes its presence felt in the food added to and spreads its goodness in the baby food.

Health Benefits of Cardamom for babies

• Eases digestion by increases the movement of food in the intestines

• Tackles cold and cough among babies

• Nutritionally rich in Copper, Iron, and Vitamins like Riboflavin, Vitamin C prevents Anemia

• Have mouth cleansing properties and mouth odor control

How and where to use it?

Porridges, Fruit purees, baby savories, cooked health mixes, for the night’s hot milk initiating good sleep, yogurt, mashed bananas, fruit milkshakes, and selective vegetable soups depending on the baby taste.

3. Cumin

Brown slender dried long seeds the Cumin’s are the spices with a lot of medicinal qualities, which are added as seasoning to all kinds of cuisines suiting to all kinds of dishes and especially baby food to start with the early foods and health mixes. (Cumin seeds are locally called Jeera seeds)

Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (7)

When can we introduce Cumin to babies?

Babies after completing 6 months +, can be introduced to small quantities of Cumin powder. A quantity of 1/4 teaspoon of Cumin Powder can be administered in the foods.

How and where can we use Cumin powder and Cumin seed?

The powder can be added to purees, Rice and Millet Khichdi, rice and dal water, porridges, vegetable soups, health mixes.

Cumin seeds can be added to roti, chapati, and other main course and vegetable curries that are customized to baby and toddlers’ food taste.

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Health Benefits of Cumin for Babies

• Initiates digestion

• Effective against fungal and microbial growth

• The gassy nature of the foods can be curbed down by adding Cumin powder

• Kills the intestinal worms

• Reduces anxiety and induces sleep

• Treats colic babies

• For cold and cough, we can give Cumin water

• Strengthens and boosts the immune system

4. Clove

Cloves are locally called Laung in Hindi and lavanga in Kannada, These Cloves can be given to babies after 8 months. These long black Cloves are highly recommended for introducing in the baby food and toddlers savories as well.

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How and where can we use Clove powder, Clove oil for babies?

Cloves can be added to baby fruit purees like apple sauce, porridge’s, health mixes.

Clove oil is used for babies with teething pain easing out the baby

How many Cloves can be added to baby food?

2 or 3 Cloves can be added to the baby food and conveniently should be removed before feeding them to the baby. As the cloves have already spread their goodness and health benefit to the baby food.

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Health Benefits of Cloves

• Microbial growth in the mouth can be curbed off

• Teething pains of the baby can be at ease using the Clove Oil by rubbing it on the baby gums

• Natural smell to foods

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Views: 847

Spicing the baby food - 4 C's of Spice magic !! - TOTS and MOMS (2024)


When can you start seasoning baby food? ›

Once your baby starts weaning, from around 6 months, it's safe to use most herbs and spices in their meals (see below for those that aren't recommended for babies).

What seasonings should babies not have? ›

Flavourings to Avoid for Babies
  • Salt.
  • Salty sauces such as soya sauce.
  • Spice or herb mixes that included added salt.
  • High salt stock cubes – look for zero or very low salt stock cubes instead.
  • Honey, syrups or added sugar.

Is clove spice safe for babies? ›

When can babies have cloves? Cloves may be introduced as soon as baby is ready to start solids, which is generally around 6 months of age. If cooking with whole cloves, make sure to remove them before serving the food to baby to reduce choking risk. Note that clove oil should be avoided for babies and young children.

Can my 6 month old have cinnamon? ›

Yes! Once your baby is able to start eating solids, you can introduce cinnamon into their diet right away — in small amounts. This is generally around the age of six months, although it will vary based on the child.

Can my 3 month old try purees? ›

My son is just 2 weeks younger than hers, and I am wondering if I should be introducing solids soon too. When should I start? Doctors recommend waiting until a baby is about 6 months old to start solid foods. Starting before 4 months is not recommended.

What spices are best for babies? ›

7 Herbs and Spices to Introduce to Baby
  • 1) Cinnamon.
  • 2) Ginger.
  • 3) Oregano.
  • 4) Coriander.
  • 5) Cumin.
  • 6) Turmeric.
  • 7) Garlic.
  • Sources:
Mar 23, 2022

When to start ginger for babies? ›

Ginger is a culinary spice which is loaded with medicinal properties. It can be introduced to a baby once he completes 8 months while his weaning period has begun. Watch the slides to know Benefits of adding ginger in your baby's diet.

Can we give black pepper to a 6 month old baby? ›

Devje says any mild spice like coriander, mild curry powder, nutmeg, turmeric, black pepper, cumin, fennel, dill, oregano, and thyme are all OK to introduce to your child's diet after six months.

Why can't babies have salt? ›

Salt. Babies should not eat much salt, as it's not good for their kidneys. Do not add salt to your baby's food or cooking water, and do not use stock cubes or gravy, as they're often high in salt. Remember this when you're cooking for the family if you plan to give the same food to your baby.

Can babies have turmeric? ›

Turmeric is safe to introduce to babies who are 9 months and older. Wondering how you can incorporate more of this amazing spice into your meals? Try adding it to applesauce, yogurt, roasted veggies, broth, smoothies, salad dressing, and curries. You can even mash it with an avocado to top your morning toast.

Can babies have garlic seasoning? ›

Babies can safely consume spices like garlic powder, oregano, cumin, turmeric, sweet paprika, onion powder, and nutmeg. I recommend starting with spices and seasonings that you commonly use in your own cooking. This will help your baby develop a taste for your food.

When should I start introducing flavors to my baby? ›

In Baby's 'First Bite,' A Chance To Shape A Child's Taste : The Salt Bee Wilson's new book, First Bite, examines how genetics, culture, memory and early feeding patterns influence the palate. She says babies are most open to new flavors between ages 4 and 7 months.

What age can babies taste spice? ›

Registered dietician and certified nutritionist Reda Elmardi recommends waiting until after the age of 2 to try giving your kids spicy foods, both because of their physical development — she said kids' taste buds become fully developed around that age — and because children deserve the agency to determine their own ...

When can you start adding salt to baby food? ›

Moreover, a salt-rich diet may cause babies to develop a lifelong preference for salty foods, in turn, possibly lowering the overall quality of their diet. Try not to add salt to your baby's foods when they are under 12 months. After 1 year, you can include a small amount of salt in your child's diet.

Can a 7 month old have seasoned chicken? ›

6-8 months baby

Chicken puree – Cook chicken and blend with broth, water, or breastmilk. Serve on its own or mixed with veggies. And don't forget to add seasonings.

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Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.