Miles Morales: Spider-Man (UK) Vol 1 7 (2024)

Appearing in 1st story

Reprint of the 1st story from
Carnage Reigns Alpha #1

Featured Characters:

  • Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Main story and recap)

Supporting Characters:

  • NYPD
    • Sergeant Chloe Ahmed
    • Agent Gao
  • Scorpion (Mac Gargan)


  • Carnage (Cletus Kasady) (Impersonates Dominic)
  • Kenneth Neely

Other Characters:

  • Carnage Symbiote (Referenced)
  • Carnage (Norman Osborn / "Cletus Kasady") (Referenced) Continuity Error
  • Miles Morales's Symbiote (Only in recap)
  • Venom (Eddie Brock) (Only in recap)
  • Roxx News
  • Spider-Man (Peter Parker) (Mentioned)
  • Mrs. Lowe (Referenced)
  • Mayor Luke Cage (Mentioned)
  • Avengers (Mentioned)
  • Jeff Davis
  • Billie Morales
  • Rio Morales
  • The Devil (Referenced)
  • Carnage Symbiote IV (Referenced)
  • Iron Man (Tony Stark) (Referenced)
  • Carnage's Hive (Mentioned)
  • God (Invoked)
  • Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (Mentioned)
  • Charles Mingus (Mentioned)
  • Rabble (Raneem Rashad) (Mentioned)
  • Hulk (Dr. Bruce Banner) (Referenced)
  • Knull (Mentioned)

Races and Species:

  • Humans (Main story and recap)
  • Symbiotes (Main story and recap)
  • Pigeons
  • Coyotes (Referenced)
  • Bears (Referenced)
  • Spiders (Mentioned)


  • Earth (Main story and recap)
    • United States of America (Main story and recap)
      • New York (Main story and recap)
        • New York City (Main story and recap)
          • Long Island
            • Brooklyn
              • Crown Heights
                • Todd's Diner
          • The Raft (Mentioned)
    • France (Mentioned)
  • Hell (Invoked)


  • Spider-Man's Suit and Web-Shooters
  • Scorpion's Suit
  • Arc Reactor

Synopsis for 1st story

Reprint of the 1st story from
Carnage Reigns Alpha #1

Seeing the words "Carnage Rules" carved into the back of the corpse, Spider-Man reacts in horror — recalling the time Cletus infected him with an offshoot of the Carnage symbiote. On the street below, Sergeant Chloe Ahmed informs dispatch that Cletus Kasady is back; Miles grimly noting that while the NYPD are calling the diner a hostage situation it's a slaughterhouse. As civilians spot him perched on the side of a building, a Roxx News chopper shines a spotlight on him; Miles lamenting that they'll probably blame him for Cletus' massacre. Admonishing himself to do his job and save as many people as he can, Miles fires a webline and swings into action, grimly noting that he's practically the only superhero in Brooklyn anyway. Noting that his Spider-Sense will be useless against symbiotes, Miles activates his active camouflage and turns invisible. As he enters the diner's back entrance, Miles laments having missed move-in day and quips to himself that if Cletus doesn't kill him his father will. Steeling his nerves, Miles tells himself that Peter has fought Cletus before and survived... not noticing Carnage's face emerging from the wall behind him.

Outside, a police van speeds towards the diner to a halt, Sergeant Ahmed complaining that they took long enough. As the van screeches to a halt, throwing up sparks as the back end drags against the pavement, Sergeant Ahmed snidely asks if they stopped to load up on cinder blocks. The back of the van opens and NYPD agents clad in body armor exit, Sergeant Ahmed expressing surprise at the sight of their commander — Agent Gao. As Agent Gao coldly reprimands her for allowing Spider-Man inside the perimeter, the Scorpion steps from the van and snarls that he hates Spider-Man, Agent Gao smirking at Sergeant Ahmed's shocked reaction.

Inside the kitchen, Miles crawls along a duct, noting that while his Spider-Sense is silent his fight-or-flight response is screaming at him to get out while he still can. Distracted by the sudden smell of onions, Miles is caught off-guard as the lights turn on and the kitchen is suddenly full of cooking staff. As the head chef scolds Miles for interrupting his work and tells him to take a seat with the other customers, Miles is incredulous as to how the man can see him when he's invisible. Decloaking, Miles drops to the floor in the dining area and is waved over by a bespectacled nebbish man with a missing arm, who pushes out a chair and says he took the liberty of ordering for Miles. As the man introduces himself as Ken, Miles notes that he doesn't need his Spider-Sense to tell the man is a creep, he doesn't notice a red-haired man in a suit watching him from a nearby booth.

Helping himself to a plate of French toast, Ken tells Miles that Cletus didn't share the particulars of his plan but that he's sure it will be spectacular. Quoting Matthew 26:26, Ken ominously compares his meal to the eucharist, Miles turning down his plate of French toast. Turning to look at Miles, the red-haired man — Cletus Kasady — comments that he smells less tragic than Peter; opening his mouth into a fanged maw as he transforms into Extreme Carnage and bites down on Miles' shoulder. As the food and patrons dissolve into red and black ooze, Ken laments the loss of his French toast, commenting that it's the first hot meal he had in weeks even if it was made of symbiote.

Outside, Sergeant Ahmed pulls out her smartphone to call Mayor Luke Cage and summon the Avengers, Agent Gao claiming operational jurisdiction and ordering her to stand down. Snatching Sergeant Ahmed's phone away, Agent Gao orders her men to put a stop to Kasady quickly, quietly, and with minimal collateral damage. In response, the Scorpion sneers that while he's willing to work with her and her men to put an end to Kasady, the mission is guaranteed to go sideways in the worst way possible.

In their apartment elsewhere in Brooklyn, Jefferson Davis jokingly expresses incredulity at the number of shoes their baby daughter Billie has. Rio wryly replies that a girl has to have options and that Billie gets her fashion sense from her. Jefferson laments that Miles isn't there to help unpack as promised given that he and Billie will be sharing a room for a while, but notes that if Miles broke his promise to help out it must've been for an important super-hero reason. As Jefferson laments he wasn't able to protect his family when Rabble destroyed their previous apartment. As Rio scolds him for feeling sorry for himself, Jefferson admits she's right and that Miles wouldn't wallow in self-pity.

Smirking, Kenneth Neely sits back and watches as Extreme Carnage attempts to devour Miles. Miles notes that Cletus delights in torturing his victims — breaking them mind, body, and soul — before killing them. Comparing Cletus to the Devil, Miles fires a webline into Extreme Carnage's face, causing him to let go, and then knees him in the jaw. Ripping off the webbing, Extreme Carnage mockingly asks if Miles' parents never taught him never to come between a man and his meal. Leaping to the ceiling, Miles notes that Cletus' new symbiote looks like Carnage threw up on Iron Man. Lashing out with bladed tentacles, Extreme Carnage sneers that Miles is ungrateful given that he welcomed Miles into his Hive and showed him the ugly, bloody truth of the world. Turning invisible, Miles tries to escape but is struck by a tentacle and slammed through a wall, spotting one of Carnage's fangs lodged in his shoulder. Pulling it out and telling himself to breathe to keep from going into shock, Miles sees one of the serving staff, who introduces himself as Dominic, asking for help.

In the dining area, Kenneth Neely expresses dismay at Cletus letting Miles go, Extreme Carnage transforming back into his humanoid form and replying that he's not letting Miles leave so much as baiting his hook. As Agent Gao's team breaches the diner, Cletus smirks and says another course has arrived on the menu, telling Kenneth to stop worrying about the big picture and just go with the flow. As Cletus' lower body metamorphoses into a mass of tendrils, Kenneth comments that he finally gets that — unlike Carnage — there is no plan and Cletus is improvising. As the soldiers enter the back hall, Cletus' voice mockingly calls out from the shadows, the Scorpion telling them not to panic. A hand erupts from the wall and grabs one of the soldiers' assault rifles, the soldier protesting he has family as Cletus' torso emerges from the wall. His eyes glowing yellow with black sclerae, Cletus mockingly says he'll do them a favor by not having to see him in an open casket — ripping the man apart. Another soldier opens fire on Cletus, oblivious to a second Cletus torso emerging from the wall behind him until it breaks his neck. To soldiers open fire with sonic guns, causing the Cletus torso to scream in pain and dissolve into red and black ooze. Dozens of other Cletus torsos emerge from the walls and ceiling, grinning with fanged teeth as they mock the soldiers for assuming they beat him. As the soldiers scream in agony and terror, the Scorpion grimly says he told Agent Gao the mission would go sideways. As the Scorpion launches into battle, one of the Cletus torsos cheerfully greets Mac, quipping he's happy to see him back on his feet; Gargen sneering that he's not afraid and that this just means there's more of Cletus to kill. Transforming his hands into claws, Cletus slashes him across the face and asks Gargen if there's any hard feelings after their last encounter, saying to forgive is divine.

As the Scorpion lashes out with his tail, tearing Cletus' manifestation apart and smashing through the wall, Kenneth sighs and comments he hopes the building has been inspected for asbestos. As the Scorpion spots him and comments that he didn't think Kasady left survivors. Introducing himself, Kenneth calls himself Cletus' court jester. Kenneth comments that he once thought himself an artist — or at least that's the moniker the police gave him when they found the bodies of his victims. Reminiscing on his father, Kenneth says that he believed one's calling should be pursued on the basis of aptitude rather than passion, and that if you aren't the absolute best you should leave it to the professionals. Commenting that he now sees that Cletus is a true artist, Kenneth critiques his populist tastes and lack of consistent motifs but praises his verve and panache, grinning as he says it's almost a pity he's the universe's last and only hope. Reaching Kenneth, the Scorpion says that he's going to bring Kenneth in to tell that to his boss, but Kenneth retorts that Cletus is about to paint his greatest masterpiece yet. As tendrils snake towards the Scorpion, Kenneth says he'd tell Gargan to run but Cletus is already there and that the NYPD and Spider-Man are dead too. Escorting Dominic through the building to the roof, Miles says he needs to go back to help, Dominic begging Miles not to leave him.

In the Morales' apartment, Rio comments that Jefferson reinforcing Billie's room bought enough time for Miles to get there and save them. Jefferson comments that having a supervillain attack their home shook him, and probably traumatized Miles most of all. Rio notes that they're going to need to be extra patient and supportive with Miles, and that their son will need their support more than ever. Jefferson comments that he knows this and just wishes he knew what to say to make it better. Hugging him, Rio says that these things take time and that Miles will come back to them sooner rather than later. Billie starts crying, Jefferson and Rio deciding to table the discussion to tend to their daughter.

Kicking open the door to the diner's roof access, Miles notes he's one step closer to getting Dominic to safety before wondering if he's just making excuses not to fight Carnage again. As Miles tells Dominic he'll carry him to safety, Dominic reveals himself to be Cletus in disguise, slamming Miles to the ground and declaring his intent to devour him as he transforms into Extreme Carnage. Miles realizes there are no survivors and that the entire building has become an extension of Cletus through his new symbiote. Snaring Cletus with web-lines, Miles slams him to the roof — intending to escape and contact the Avengers — only for a second Cletus to appear behind him and slash him across the back, quipping that he's out of his depth. As Cletus gleefully says he's going to go after Miles' family next, Miles notes that Cletus is a monster with or without the Carnage symbiote and exists solely to inflict pain. Miles attempts to punch Cletus, who effortlessly catches his fist and opens his mouth into a gaping fanged maw. As Miles braces for his impending death, apologizing to Peter for failing, the Scorpion smashes Cletus with his tail, shouting for him to get off of Miles. As the Scorpion says he did a good job but can tap out now, Miles incredulously wonders why Gargan is helping him. As Gargan retorts he wasn't planning on it and thought Miles was the other Spider-Man, Extreme Carnage manifests and impales him with several tentacles, lifting him into the air. Extreme Carnage comments that while Gargan may hold a grudge but that their last encounter wasn't anything personal; saying he took Gargan's codex because he needed it to unleash Knull and crushed his spine out of pure and simple boredom. The Scorpion snaps at Cletus to go to Hell, but Extreme Carnage sneers that he's already been there and found it boring. Incapacitated pending being torn apart and eaten, Gargan apologizes and tells Miles it's all on him. Rallying his determination, Miles picks himself up — noting that while he might not get to go home to his family that's part of the job of being a superhero, the price of getting to wear a cool costume and having powers. Snickering, Extreme Carnage comments that Miles clearly doesn't know when to quit. Charging his fist with yellow electricity, Miles decides to stop holding back and hits Carnage square in the chest with a full-power Venom Touch. Released, the Scorpion notes that Miles' electric powers have gotten stronger, but Miles notices something strange happening to Extreme Carnage — his symbiote is destabilizing as bolts of blue electricity crackle from the Iron Man armor's core. As Extreme Carnage snarls that he's going to kill Miles slowly and painfully once he pulls himself back together, Miles tells Gargan that they need to escape since Cletus is about to explode. Inside the Extrembiote, Cletus scans the HUD and wonders aloud what an Arc Reactor is before self-destructing, obliterating Todd's Diner.

Appearing in 2nd story

Reprint of the 1st story from
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #5

Featured Characters:

  • Ghost-Spider (Gwen Stacy) (Joins the Gwen-Vengers)

Supporting Characters:

  • Gwen-Vengers (First appearance)
    • Captain America (Gwen Rogers) (Joins)
    • Thorgwen (Gwendolyn Janus) (Joins)
    • Iron G.W.E.N. (Toni Stacy) (Joins)
    • Wolverine (Gwen Howlett) (Joins)
    • Nightbird (Gwen Stacy) (Joins)


  • Finale the Ultimate Artist (Death)

Other Characters:

  • Erma
  • Toob (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
  • Zuck (Corpse, skeleton or other remains)
  • Peter Parker of Earth-65 (Only in flashback)
  • Loki (Mentioned)
  • Odin (Mentioned)
  • Captain America (Sam Wilson) (Mentioned)
  • Tony Stark (Mentioned)
  • Norman Osborn (Vision or hallucination)
  • Gwen Jones (Vision or hallucination)
  • Terminal Six (Mentioned)
    • Doctor Cephalopod (Cecil Cephalopod) (Mentioned)
  • Lady Gaga (Mentioned) (Topical Reference)
  • Doctor Doom (Mentioned)
  • Toob (First appearance)
  • Zuck (First appearance)
  • Erma
  • Spider-Man (Miles Morales) (Vision or hallucination)
  • Sentinels (Vision or hallucination)
  • Guardians of the Galaxy (Vision or hallucination)
    • Starhawk (Stakar Ogord) (Vision or hallucination)
    • Charlie-27 (Vision or hallucination)
    • Aleta Ogord (Vision or hallucination)
    • Nikki Gold (Vision or hallucination)
    • Yondu Udonta (Vision or hallucination)
    • Martinex T'Naga (Vision or hallucination)
    • Major Victory (Vance Astro) (Vision or hallucination)
    • Starhawk (Aleta Ogord) (Vision or hallucination)
  • Spider-Man (Miguel O'Hara) (Vision or hallucination)
  • Spider-Woman (Vision or hallucination)
  • Stinger (Cassie Lang) (Vision or hallucination)
  • Captain America (Roberta Mendez) (Vision or hallucination)
  • Logan (Vision or hallucination)
  • Spider-Zero
  • Captain Marvel (Vision or hallucination)
  • Mary Janes
    • MJ Watson
    • Glory Grant
    • Betty Brant
  • George Stacy

Races and Species:

  • Humans
  • Symbiotes
  • Sentinels (Vision or hallucination)
  • Mutants (Vision or hallucination)
  • Jovians (Vision or hallucination)
  • Arcturans (Vision or hallucination)
  • Mercurians (Vision or hallucination)
  • Centaurians (Vision or hallucination)
  • Pluvians (Vision or hallucination)
  • Robots (Vision or hallucination)
  • Kree (Vision or hallucination)


  • Multiverse
    • End of All Time
    • End of All Time (First appearance)
    • Earth-616 (Vision or hallucination)
    • Earth-691 (Vision or hallucination)
    • Earth-811 (Vision or hallucination)
    • Earth-65
      • Earth
        • United States of America
          • New York
            • New York City


  • Wolverine's Suit
  • Captain Americas' Uniforms and Shields
  • Guardian Ware Exo Network
  • Mjolnir
  • Finalizer


Synopsis for 2nd story

Reprint of the 1st story from
Spider-Gwen: Gwenverse #5

  • Synopsis not yet written

Solicit Synopsis


Will Spider-Man and Scorpion survive Carnage’s onslaught?!

Plus, the truth behind Scorpion joining Agent Gao’s Enforcement Team is revealed, as well as Gao’s hatred of Super-Heroes!

Also, Gwenverse reaches its epic conclusion! At the end of the universe, the Gwen-team confront Finalé!

By Cody Ziglar, Travel Foreman, David Pepose, Paris Alleyne, Cheryl Lynn Eaton, Will Robson, Tim Seeley, and Jodi NishiJima!

See Also

  • 1 image(s) from Miles Morales: Spider-Man (UK) Vol 1 7

Links and References


Miles Morales: Spider-Man (UK) Vol 1 7 (2024)


Was Earth-1610 Miles supposed to be the prowler? ›

There was a theory of Beyond the Spider Verse that Miles Morales of earth 1610 was fated to become the Prowler before the spider from earth 42 appeared in his universe.

What are the tips for Miles Morales? ›

Make sure to take on combat challenges to unlock the Air Marshall skill early on and increase your damage output and focus generation in the air. Prioritize Air Launch, Swing Kick, and Air Yank so you can deal more damage and gain more focus in the air without getting attacked, and zip to far away opponents if needed.

Is Earth-42 Miles evil? ›

According to the official Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse artbook, Miles G. Morales isn't technically a villain but more so a vigilante.

Why did Miguel hate Miles? ›

Since Earth-1610's Miles Morales wasn't supposed to become Spider-Man in Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse, Miguel may resent him for causing Earth-42's Peter Parker to miss on his powers similarly to how Miguel's experiment worked while his first test subject died.

How to get Miles Morales 2099? ›

The suit is unlocked at level 12, and costs 14 Activity Tokens and 3 Tech Parts in order to be crafted. It grants the Venom Suppression Resistance mod, which reduces the length of Roxxon Venom Suppression, and when camouflage is activated, instantly removes Roxxon bolas.

Can you redo Roxxon Labs? ›

To replay this enemy base in Spider-Man, jump onto the roof of the garage where it's located, activate the mission, and head inside to grab the cache.

What happens if you finish Miles Morales? ›

Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Just finished, you can play as long as needed after the main set of missions. You can also do a New Game+ where you restart with all skills and stuff. I recommend just beating the normal missions, and going for achievements after.

What is Miles Venom Punch? ›

Venom skills

Perform a Venom Punch that Venom Stuns a single enemy. Venom Stunned enemies take additional damage from subsequent attacks. Costs one Venom bar. Perform an aerial Venom Punch that smashes into the ground, Venom Stunning multiple enemies.

Is Venom in Miles Morales PS5? ›

The symbiote briefly appears in the end credit scenes of both the first game and Miles Morales, where Harry Osborn was confirmed to be its host. After temporarily leaving Harry to bond with Peter Parker, it eventually returns to Harry, becoming Venom.

Does Miles Morales have DLC? ›

Miles Never Got His Own DLC & Takes A Back Seat To Peter In Spider-Man 2. As the conclusion of the game sets up a sequel, it could be argued that the perfect DLC for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 would actually be a significant departure from the story arcs of the base game.

How many hours is Spider-Man 2? ›

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 will take the following amount of time to beat, depending on the playthrough you're aiming for: Standard playthrough: 15-18 hours. Just story: 12-15 hours. 100% completion: 24-28 hours.

Is Miles Morales a long game? ›

When focusing on the main objectives, Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales is about 7½ Hours in length. If you're a gamer that strives to see all aspects of the game, you are likely to spend around 14-18 Hours to obtain 100% completion.

What is the Prowler supposed to be? ›

Aaron Davis is known as the Prowler, a world-class criminal and the most dangerous thief in America.

Who was supposed to be Spider-Man in Earth 1610? ›

Earth-1610 is an alternate reality and the home dimension of Miles Morales also known as Spider-Man and his predecessor, a perfect version of Peter Parker.

Was Miles supposed to be Spider-Man? ›

Miles wasn't inducted into part of the Spider Society since he was never meant to be a Spider-Man. Earth-1610, which Miles is from, was still supposed to have a Peter Parker, but instead, Miles was accidentally bitten by Earth-42's radioactive spider, and Peter died protecting Miles.

Is the Prowler always Miles Uncle? ›

Aaron Davis, also known as the Prowler, is a supporting character in Marvel's Spider-Man series, with a major role in Miles Morales and a minor role of Marvel's Spider-Man 2. He is the uncle of Miles Morales and younger brother of Jefferson Davis.

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.