How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (2024)

HomeBlogHow Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips to Post Faster)

On average, a video posted by a business on TikTok gets 17,523 views.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (1)

Look at all that love for pumpkin spice.

Just think of all the brand awareness and engagement you’ll get if you post a dozen times a day!

Not so fast. There is a diminishing return if you bombard the platform with content—especially if you’re pushing out subpar posts for the sake of more views.

The truth is, how often you should post on TikTok depends on a bunch of factors, and it’s unique to everyone. Your goals, capacity, audience, and industry all come into play.

But TikTok posting frequency does matter—the platform loves to serve up fresh, creative content. In this guide, we’ll show you how to figure out the right TikTok schedule for your goals and give you seven tips to keep up the cadence without losing content quality.


  • How often TikTok says you should post
  • How often the data says you should post on TikTok
  • How to find your ideal TikTok posting frequency
  • 7 tips to keep up with your TikTok posts

How often TikTok says you should post

Let’s start with what the platform itself tells us about posting frequency. According to TikTok, you should post between one to four times per day.

If that feels like a lot, it is. Especially when you consider that posting three to five times per week on Instagram Reels is the norm.

It’ll help to remember that your videos don’t need Avatar-level production quality. Even TikTok says that authenticity is more important than big-budget production.

A simple background and your phone’s camera are enough if you have good information to share.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (2)

Plus, as you’ll learn next, most brands aren’t posting to TikTok nearly that often.

💡TikTok is great, but it’s not the only way to drum up more sales. Check out this guide to get 30 more ways to promote your business (with or without spending money).

How often the data says you should post on TikTok

The more you post, the more content the TikTok algorithm has to keep people on its platform. So of course, it says to post multiple times each day. But how often do brands post in the real world?

SocialInsider conducted a study comparing TikTok to Instagram Reels and YouTube shorts. Three interesting points emerge from the report:

  • Brands post on TikTok about 16 times per month on average.
  • That’s just over one post every two days, a far cry from TikTok’s suggestion.
  • It’s still double the pace they post on other short-form video platforms.

In another review by RivalIQ, the average brand was only pushing content to TikTok 1.75 times a week. Even the most active brands posted just five times every week, according to that data.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (3)

The takeaway is that you probably don’t need to hit TikTok’s posting quota. But you should consider a higher posting frequency than you use on other short-form video platforms.

How to find your ideal TikTok posting frequency

We’ve seen that the recommendations and data for how often you should post on TikTok are all over the place. Instead of relying on outside sources to set your schedule, let’s look at a few ways you can determine the absolute best posting frequency for your unique situation.

Be real about your creative capacity

The key to growth on TikTok is landing on the For You Page (FYP) of as many viewers as possible. That’s how new content, and companies, get discovered.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (4)

To get there, you have to share content people want to watch. If that means slowing down a little and posting less frequently, that’s okay. If you push a bunch of posts up that people scroll past, you’ll just have more videos no one sees—and a bunch of wasted effort for your troubles.

Consider your type of content

The type of content you post is an important consideration of your TikTok marketing strategy. Does your audience crave 30-second comedy clips? Or do they want longer Q&As with your team of experts.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (5)

Those longer videos take more to produce so you’ll be able to post less often. Plus, your viewers might get fatigued with too many deep dives in a week—which could push them to scroll past your multiple posts.

Review your industry’s competitiveness

Some categories like beauty and interior design are more popular on TikTok. That means two things where posting frequency is concerned:

  1. There’s an appetite for more content
  2. There’s more competition

So if you’re in a busy space on TikTok, you’ll need to nudge your posting schedule up.

Not sure where your industry lands? Look at popular accounts in your field to get the idea. If they’re getting followers with a couple of posts each week, that’s a good target to start with. If they’ve got two new videos up every day, well, read our tips below to up your posting game.

Test and track your analytics

Still not sure how many times you should post on TikTok every week? Just ask your audience. They’ll tell you by way of the analytics in your TikTok account.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (6)

Try a different cadence each week and watch what happens to total and per-video view count. Also look at your profile views and new follower counts. Those will tell you if people are hungry for more or tired of your posts.

7 tips to keep up with your TikTok posts

The two things that slow most TikTok creators down are coming up with new ideas and having enough time to shoot and edit each TikTok video. These tips will help you create a pipeline of creative greatness with less time and effort.

1. Use Duet and Stitch

One of the worst-kept secrets of successful TikTok creators is that you don’t have to come up with every novel idea on your own. In fact, TikTok encourages collaboration with two features called Duet and Stitch.

A Duet lets you add your video to an existing TikTok, showing each side-by-side.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (7)

A Stitch is similar, but instead of playing next to an existing TikTok, your video plays after it.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (8)

In both cases, you build on an existing, successful video which is way easier than thinking up brand-new concepts.

Here’s an example from PUMA. The brand showed a barista’s hack for brewing coffee and PUMA’s hilarious result while trying to copy it.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (9)

2. Work with other brands and creators

You don’t have to do all the heavy lifting of social media marketing yourself. Find a popular creator and let them introduce your brand and products to their audience.

Minute Maid racked up nearly 20,000 likes on this collab with Spencerx.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (10)

Don’t worry about finding the biggest TikTok stars. Look for micro-influencers that have an engaged following that would likely love what you do.

👋 Emotional content is more influential and engaging. Put all the feels in your videos by using these 135 words and phrases for marketing with emotion.

3. Repurpose content from other platforms

If you’re already publishing Instagram Reels or long-form video content to YouTube, then you have some assets that’ll speed up TikTok posting.

Take a Reel, tweak it a bit, and repost it on TikTok. Or break apart your 30-minute YouTube tutorial and either post the bits on TikTok or make a trailer that leads people to the full video.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (11)

4. Use TikTok ads

Paying for TikTok ads won’t necessarily help you post faster. But it could change how often you should post on TikTok in the first place.

Why? Because with a paid post, you can place your content in front of a very targeted audience. So you could get away with posting less because each ad will be seen by the very people who want to engage with your brand and buy what you sell.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (12)

And if you need inspiration for your ads, just creep TikTok’s public ad library. You’ll see how other brands tackle TikTok.

5. Jump on the trend train

Since its earliest days, TikTok has been all about the trends. Viral dances and hashtag challenges still rule on the platform. That means there’s a nearly limitless bounty of creative ideas you are allowed—even encouraged—to copy.

To tap into the next big trend, use TikTok’s trend tracker and see what’s taking over.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (13)

You’ll find trending hashtags, songs, and popular videos to fuel your content calendar.

6. Start big and taper

If you’ve just created your TikTok account, make a splash by posting as much content as possible early on. That’ll do three things to catapult your success:

  • Give you more chances to land on the FYP
  • Give the TikTok algorithm plenty of content to index
  • Give you more data to learn from quickly

Try to create enough content to post at least once per day for the first two or three weeks that you’re on the platform. Then you can taper off to see if your videos are still getting likes and your follower count keeps growing.

7. Batch and schedule content

Assuming your entire job isn’t creating videos for TikTok, you probably have to jump in and out of the app to edit and post your content. Switching contexts from other tasks to TikTok like that can slow you down.

An alternative is to create posts in batches, then schedule them throughout the week or month. That would gain you some efficiency in your workflow.

Luckily, TikTok has a content scheduler in the desktop version of the app.

How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (14)


If you’re not sure when to schedule content, this guide will help you find the best time to post on TikTok.

Find your flow on TikTok

Should you post on TikTok every day? As long as you’re posting great content, it probably won’t hurt. But if that cadence burns you out, then take it easy on yourself and spread out your posts. It’s always better to create and share fewer good posts then more meh ones.

While you’re figuring out how often you should post on TikTok for your goals, remember these tips to make it easier:

  1. Use Stitch and Duet
  2. Work with other brands and creators
  3. Repurpose content
  4. Use TikTok ads
  5. Jump on trends
  6. Start big and taper
  7. Batch and schedule content
How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream (2024)


How Often to Post on TikTok for the Most Views & Followers (+7 Tips) | WordStream? ›

According to TikTok, you should post between one to four times per day. If that feels like a lot, it is. Especially when you consider that posting three to five times per week on Instagram Reels is the norm. It'll help to remember that your videos don't need Avatar-level production quality.

How often should you post on TikTok to gain followers? ›

TikTok recommends posting one to four times per day. But that might be unrealistic for most small business owners. Start by posting three to four times a week and increase your cadence by cross-posting and repurposing existing content from other platforms.

Is posting 3 times a week on TikTok enough? ›

Most brands will benefit from posting 1 to 3 times per day, but this is no hard and fast rule. Focusing on high-quality and engaging content, over quantity is the most important aspect of your posting strategy. There are many things for brands to consider when determining a TikTok posting schedule.

What is the best time to post on TikTok for the most views? ›

The best times to post on TikTok are Tuesdays and Fridays from 4 to 6 p.m., Wednesdays, Thursdays mornings from 9 to 11 a.m. and Thursdays from 2 to 6 p.m. Afternoons are when the highest engagements are on the platform; users are looking to fill their afternoon entertainment boost.

Does posting every day on TikTok help? ›

How often you post can also affect how your content is distributed on the platform (TikTok recommends posting 1-4 times per day). To find a posting schedule that will please both the TikTok algorithm and your fans, keep a close eye on your performance until you find a frequency that works.

Does posting everyday increase followers? ›

Daily posting will grow followers 4x faster than posting less than once a week. Makes sense: more visibility,” says Brayden Cohen.

Should I post on TikTok when my followers are most active? ›

The best days to post on TikTok are Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. The best times to post on TikTok are between 6 am to 10 am and 7 pm to 11 pm.

Is posting 5 TikToks a day too much? ›

The rule of thumb regarding the right posting frequency is to post something new and interesting 1-4 times per day. The TikTok algorithm rewards content creators and brands who post frequently. But there's more to a successful content strategy than just frequency.

How long should I leave between posting on TikTok? ›

While experts recommend waiting 3–4 hours between TikToks, posting during your audience's most active times can make a huge difference. The forecast predicts that by 2024, U.S. adults will spend roughly an hour on TikTok daily. So there's never been a better time to up your game and get posting.

How long does it take to get 1000 followers on TikTok? ›

The way to engage well with your audience and build a strong community of followers is to post as consistently as possible. Keep your followers updated each day, and never compromise on the quality. This way, you can get 1000 or more followers within 30 days.

What length of TikTok gets the most views? ›

But as suggested by TikTok, your video length must be at least 10 seconds minimum. However, the ideal length of TikTok videos is considered anywhere between 21 seconds to 34 seconds.

How long after posting do TikToks get the most views? ›

The typical TikTok video racks up 32% of its total views in the first 24 hours after posting. It's rare for a video to gain more than 1% additional views after 90 days of going live. Unsurprisingly, you'll likely see the highest video growth rates in the first 24-48 hours of posting.

Should I post two TikToks at the same time? ›

It is generally recommended to wait a couple of hours between posts on TikTok. While there is no specific guideline on how many TikToks you should post in a row, maintaining some time intervals between your videos can help prevent spamming your followers and give each video a chance to gain traction.

What should I avoid posting on TikTok? ›

This includes nudity, sexual content, violence, and other offensive materials. If it's not worth showing to audiences, don't post it on TikTok. Brands must ensure that they're mindful of the content they're posting. Remember, every post represents the brand and the company — it speaks a lot about them.

Is it good to leave TikTok after posting? ›

You might've heard logging off the app after posting can bump up your views. The rationale is TikTok will want to tempt you back to the platform by showing your video to more people, giving you a higher view count when you return.

How far apart should you post TikToks? ›

If you're really looking for growth on TikTok, you should be posting three times a day. Once around 7 8 9 am, once around lunch, once in the late afternoon. That is a good strategy for you to have. And let them slow burn, let them grow.

How do I make my TikTok followers grow faster? ›

Discover how to grow your followers so you can build an engaged audience of TikTok users.
  1. Identify your target audience. ...
  2. Pay attention to trends. ...
  3. Create a TikTok challenge. ...
  4. Include the right hashtags. ...
  5. Publish TikTok videos at the right times. ...
  6. Leverage music and trending songs.

How much time does it take to get 1,000 followers on TikTok? ›

Conclusion. By utilizing these strategies and investing proper time and effort, you can quickly get 1000 followers on TikTok in 30 days. With dedication and consistency, you can quickly make a name for yourself on the platform and grow your TikTok account into a well-known one.

How long should I wait between TikTok posts? ›

While experts recommend waiting 3–4 hours between TikToks, posting during your audience's most active times can make a huge difference. The forecast predicts that by 2024, U.S. adults will spend roughly an hour on TikTok daily. So there's never been a better time to up your game and get posting.

How often is too much to post on TikTok? ›

TikTok's Recommendation: Ideal posting frequency is 1-4 times per day, but this varies based on audience and content type. Quality vs. Quantity: It's crucial to balance the number of posts with content quality. Engagement and reach can suffer with either too much or low-quality posting.

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Author: Lakeisha Bayer VM

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Name: Lakeisha Bayer VM

Birthday: 1997-10-17

Address: Suite 835 34136 Adrian Mountains, Floydton, UT 81036

Phone: +3571527672278

Job: Manufacturing Agent

Hobby: Skimboarding, Photography, Roller skating, Knife making, Paintball, Embroidery, Gunsmithing

Introduction: My name is Lakeisha Bayer VM, I am a brainy, kind, enchanting, healthy, lovely, clean, witty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.