8 Heavy Cream Substitutes for Cooking & Baking (2024)

If you asked me what I dream about at night, the answer would be heavy cream in all its silky, creamy glory. Heavy cream is responsible for chart-topping recipes like Our Best Vanilla Ice Cream, , Scalloped Potatoes with Caramelized Onions, and Warm Eggnog. If creamy comfort food is my dream, then running out of heavy cream is my nightmare. Few things hurt my soul more than pouring a generous amount of heavy cream into freshly mashed spuds only to find that there’s a drop or two left of the cream. What’s a girl to do? Cry. Panic. Call my mom. Or maybe do three minutes of breathwork and then open my refrigerator or pantry again to search for a substitute for heavy cream.

Alternatives for heavy cream may be another kind of dairy product or they may be vegan. There are thousands of recipes on our site that call for heavy cream, like chicken tikka masala and French onion soup and mac and cheese...but do you actually need the cream? Can you replace it with milk? Or coconut milk? Or something else entirely? Today, we’re going to answer those questions and more. Ahead, find the best heavy cream substitutes that work every time...no tears necessary (but I’m still going to call my mom).

But first, an ask-me-anything heavy cream lightning round! Let’s go:

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What is heavy cream?

Cream comes by way of milk. As food science authority Harold McGee explains it, “Cream is a special portion of milk that is greatly enriched with fat.” So, if you find yourself with a bucket of straight-from-the-cow milk, and you let it hang out for awhile, the fat will rise to the top, yielding a layer of cream.

According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), heavy cream should not contain less than 36 percent milkfat. It is either pasteurized or ultra-pasteurized, and may be hom*ogenized. So what about heavy cream vs. heavy whipping cream—where does the latter fit into all of this? Heavy whipping cream is actually the exact same product as heavy cream (meaning that it also must contain at least 36 percent milkfat), but brands may call it different names. You might also see it under the name “whipping cream” and yep, that’s the same thing, too.

Can I substitute light cream for heavy cream?

Depends on the recipe. Light cream generally has a fat content of 20 percent, while heavy cream is at least 36 percent. If you need the cream to whip, light cream won’t cut it (there isn’t enough fat to form a foam—try to say that five times fast). But if the recipe is more forgiving (like a pureed soup or mashed potatoes), swapping in light cream shouldn’t cause any major issues.

Can I make whipped cream with half-and-half?

Sorry, no. Half-and-half’s fat content hovers around 12 percent, which is great for pouring into coffee and over fresh fruit, but isn’t fatty enough for whipping.

Can I substitute whipping cream for heavy cream?

Ah-ha! Trick question. As previously mentioned, they’re pretty much the same. Pretty much because whipping cream has a fat content of at least 35 percent, while heavy cream (which also goes by heavy whipping cream) has a fat content of at least 36 percent. Which is to say, both are good for the same things, like whipping, reducing in cheesy gratins, and posset-ing.

Can I substitute evaporated milk for heavy cream?

Again, depends on the recipe. Evaporated milk is pressure-cooked until it loses roughly half of its water content; the beige-hued result has a high concentration of lactose and protein. If you’re making whipped cream or a baked good (say, cream scones or apple butter pie), stick to what’s called for. But, if you’re working with a soup or saucy-something, you can do a 1:1 substitution of evaporated milk in place of heavy cream.

Heavy CreamSubstitutes

These are some of the most common cream replacements. We'll get to know each ingredient, then learn how to put them toward specific recipes in the section below.


Half cream, half milk, this dairy hovers between 10–12 percent fat. It can’t be whipped and shouldn’t be swapped into baking recipes, but is great for enriching soups and mashed or creamed vegetables.

Light cream

Heavier than half-and-half, but lighter than heavy cream, with an 18–30 percent fat content. Still too lean to whip, but good for enriching soups and mashed vegetables, and can be used for sauces.

Whole milk

With about 3.5 percent fat, this is the creamiest milk around, but still significantly leaner than heavy cream. Use for mashed vegetables or other forgiving cooking preparations. Trying to reduce milk like cream would cause curdling (though sometimes this is on purpose).

Evaporated milk

This canned product has had 60 percent of its water content removed. To use as a heavy cream substitute, look for the whole-milk variety, which contains at least 7.9 percent fat. It works very well in sauces, but has a slightly cooked, caramelized flavor.

Coconut milk or cream

Rich in fat, both of these products are a great vegan substitute for heavy cream. Try in sauces and soups; the cream can be whipped. However, it doesn’t quite have the body that heavy cream (or heavy whipping cream) has, so it won’t ever form stiff peaks like whipped cream does. Avoid light varieties and don’t confuse with cream of coconut, which is sweetened.

Cashew cream

Another great vegan substitute, with a much milder flavor than coconut. You can make your own cashew cream by soaking nuts, then blending them until smooth. If you’re buying store-bought, make sure to avoid sweetened varieties.

Onion "Cream"

Yep. This sorta-substitute, made by roasting and puréeing onions, is so out there, it's Genius. Don't even think about using it for sweets, but "you can swap it in for cream in your risotto, add to pasta with fresh herbs for a healthier, brighter, but still decadent-tasting dish, whip it into your mashed potatoes, or use it in a quiche to lighten up the base," according to its creator chef Grant Lee Crilly.

How to Substitute Heavy Cream inRecipes

Now, onto some specific recipes. Below are six heavy-cream-loving dishes. We’ll break down whether or not you can substitute, and which substitutes are your best bet.

Can I substitute the heavy cream in mashed potatoes?

Short answer: Yes.
Recommended substitutes: Whole milk, evaporated milk, coconut milk, onion cream.
Caveats: Dairy is a free-for-all in mashed potato recipes. If you read enough of them, you’ll come across heavy cream, milk, cream cheese, goat cheese, sour cream, butter, and often the freedom to pick your favorite (like when a recipe says "1/2 cup whole milk or half-and-half"). So, there’s a lot of flexibility here. Just keep in mind that if you opt for a vegan option, like coconut milk, you’ll notice its flavor.

Can I substitute the heavy cream in soup?

Short answer: Yes.
Recommended substitutes: Evaporated milk, whole milk, coconut milk, cashew cream, onion cream.
Caveats: A lot of non-dairy milks are sneakily sweetened. Double check the ingredient list to make sure you aren’t about to turn your chowder into dessert.

Can I substitute the heavy cream in Alfredo sauce?

Short answer: Technically, Alfredo sauce isn’t supposed to have heavy cream in it—in traditional versions, the creaminess actually comes from the starchy pasta water, butter, and cheese—but, yes, a lot of contemporary Alfredo recipes do contain cream, and yes, you can substitute it.
Recommended substitutes: Evaporated milk. Or, pureed cauliflower!
Caveats: Because of the way it’s boiled down, evaporated milk has an almost sweet, caramely flavor. To make sure this isn’t too noticeable, don’t skimp on the Parm.

Can I substitute the heavy cream in quiche?

Short answer: Yes.
Recommended substitutes: Half-and-half or whole milk.
Caveats: Some quiche recipes call for all cream, some call for a mixture of cream and whole milk (with a popular ratio of 1:1), and some call for all milk. You can swap out the cream for half-and-half or milk, but it will result in a less flavorful, less silky custard. Don’t use lowfat or nonfat milk, which would give the custard a blander flavor and spongier texture, with a higher risk of curdling.

Can I substitute the heavy cream in whipped cream?

Short answer: Yes.
Recommended substitutes: Coconut cream.
Caveats: While you can’t swap out heavy cream for a lower-fat dairy, like half-and-half or milk (it won’t whip up), you can turn to a dairy alternative: coconut cream. You can either buy this straight or refrigerate a can of coconut milk for at least 12 hours, then scoop up the cream layer on the top.

Can I substitute the heavy cream in ice cream?

Short answer: Sort of.
Recommended substitutes: Half-and-half. Or, go vegan.
Caveats: Many ice cream recipes call for a 2:1 ratio of cream to milk. You can replace the cream portion with half-and-half, or you can replace both the cream and milk with half-and-half. Just remember that the less butterfat your ice cream has, the icier and harder it will turn out (aka not creamy). To compensate for this, you can swap out some of the granulated sugar for a liquid sweetener, like corn syrup or honey, which will encourage a creamier result. On the opposite side of the spectrum, you can skip the dairy altogether and make a vegan ice cream with coconut milk or cashew cream instead (here is our full guide on how to make dairy-free ice cream).

These Cream-Filled recipe are the, ahem, cream of the crop

(But you can still use a swap!)

Cream Biscuits

These biscuits call on heavy cream instead of the classic buttermilk for a simpler mixing process, and a rich and tender final product. If you don’t have heavy cream on hand, feel free to use half-and-half or milk, or better yet, just go back to basics and use buttermilk for a tangier biscuit.

Cream Biscuits

Pre-Seasoned Mashed Potatoes

By heavily seasoning the cooking water for the potatoes with salt, garlic, peppercorns, and aromatics, you can skip the step of seasoning after they’re mashed. These potatoes emerge from the water brimming with flavor and perfectly cooked, meaning you can mix them less, which lowers the risk of over-working your mashed potatoes into a gluey, starchy mess. Just add a little butter, cream, and plate up your potato-y perfection.

Pre-Seasoned Mashed Potatoes

Rigatoni with Vodka Sauce

We love this recipe from editor Rebecca Firkser for many reasons. As Firkser writes, this vodka sauce gets the bulk of its creaminess from “a mixture of grated Parm and pasta water, both of which are more salty and nuanced than cream.” Music to any lactose-intolerant ears! It does still call for some cream, which can be subbed for a little half-and-half or whole milk, without compromising the whole dish (as is typical of cream-less attempts at vodka sauce).

Rigatoni With Vodka Sauce

Creamy Mushroom Soup

This mushroom soup delivers on the promise of creamy, with an ultra-comforting, bisque-like consistency. A little cream goes a long way here, as does a touch of cognac. For a more sophisticated depth of flavor, use a mix of mushrooms: cremini, sh*take, button, hen of the woods, oyster, and chanterelle will all do nicely here.

Creamy Mushroom Soup

Apricot Almond Baked

When baked, oatmeal becomes the ideal antidote for a chilly morning. Simply throw together a mix of oats, spices, dried fruits, and nuts, then pour over some cream and milk and toss it in the oven. Within thirty minutes, you’ll have yourself a crunchy, creamy, sweet, spicy breakfast.

Apricot-Almond Baked Oatmeal

Editor's note: We've corrected the statement that evaporated milk is also known as condensed milk. As many of you pointed out, condensed milk is sweetened and not the same as evaporated milk.

How do you feel about heavy cream? Let us know below!
8 Heavy Cream Substitutes for Cooking & Baking (2024)


8 Heavy Cream Substitutes for Cooking & Baking? ›

For example if you're making a sauce, then it will be fine. The result will be propably less creamy, but it will do (one cup milk for one cup cream). But if your recipe calls for whipped cream, then there is no way of substituting one for another. Full fat milk has 4% fat while heavy cream has 36%.

What happens if I use milk instead of heavy cream? ›

For example if you're making a sauce, then it will be fine. The result will be propably less creamy, but it will do (one cup milk for one cup cream). But if your recipe calls for whipped cream, then there is no way of substituting one for another. Full fat milk has 4% fat while heavy cream has 36%.

What is the difference between heavy cream and whipping cream and cooking cream? ›

According to the labeling standards of the Food and Drug Administration, heavy cream is a cream with no less than 36% milk fat. It may also be called heavy whipping cream (1). In contrast, whipping cream has a slightly lower milk fat content, 30–36%. It may also be called light whipping cream (2).

Can I use evaporated milk instead of heavy cream? ›

Evaporated milk is an ideal heavy cream substitute in recipes that use heavy cream as a liquid. It won't whip well, but it's a great way to add moisture to baked goods. Substitute an equal amount of evaporated milk for heavy cream. Best for: baking.

Can I use sour cream instead of heavy cream? ›

Sour Cream, Crème Fraîche, or Mascarpone

These three ingredients can be used in place of heavy cream with a one-to-one substitution with just a few caveats. Sour cream will add tanginess to your dish, and if you use it for soups or other hot dishes, it's best to add it in at the end to avoid curdling.

Can I use cream cheese instead of heavy cream? ›

Cream cheese will work as a one-to-one substitute for heavy cream. Keep in mind that cream cheese may alter the taste and texture of the final product, so make sure to use it in suitable recipes in which the flavors will work together, such as in creamy soups or cheesy sauces.

Can I use condensed milk instead of heavy cream? ›

Condensed milk is evaporated milk that has been sweetened with sugar. Evaporated milk can be used in place of heavy cream in most recipes, whereas condensed milk is best reserved for desserts. Some health food stores may sell evaporated coconut milk, which is also a good substitute.

Can I use Greek yogurt instead of heavy cream? ›

Use Greek Yogurt When You're Low on Your Favorite Dairy Ingredients. If you're low on dairy ingredients, don't fret. Greek yogurt can substitute milk, sour cream and heavy cream. Milk: If you're short on milk, half and half or light cream, Greek yogurt can be used to make up for the difference.

Which cream is best for pasta? ›

If you're after a rich and indulgent pasta sauce, go for double cream. Its high fat content adds a luxurious creaminess to the sauce, giving you a velvety sauce that coats the pasta beautifully. It's perfect for classic creamy pasta sauces like Alfredo or carbonara.

Is half-and-half the same as heavy cream? ›

According to the FDA, half-and-half contains between 10.5 percent to 18 percent milk fat, while heavy cream contains between 36 percent and 40 percent milk fat. Because heavy cream contains more fat, it is thicker and has a richer taste and a creamier mouthfeel than half-and-half.

Is it OK to use whipping cream instead of heavy cream? ›

Yes! Since they are the same product, you can use heavy whipping cream and heavy cream interchangeably. Both are a versatile, all-purpose product for adding thick, creamy elements to sauces to soups to desserts, so it's worth keeping one on hand in your fridge.

Can you freeze heavy cream? ›

Yes, you can freeze heavy whipping cream straight from the carton. Whether you intend to cook with it or whip it, it will still be good to go with a bit of stirring after it's thawed. As for heavy cream that's already been whipped, you can freeze that, too.

How do you make homemade cooking cream? ›

'3 ingredients homemade cooking cream recipe 😋 1/2 cup powdered milk mix with 1 and 1/4 cup of water 1 tbsp butter About 1/3 cup cornflour slurry . Procedure as seen in the video. Prep time : 5 minutes Cooking time : 12/15 minutes . This is perfect for your creamy pasta and the likes .

Can you whip half-and-half? ›

Half-and-half is equal parts cream and milk, giving it a thinner consistency. While you can whip half-and-half, it's not going to sit in those lovely, fluffy peaks that we associate with a good whipped cream. Also, its runny nature means that it'll try to revert to liquid form as soon as you take your eye off it.

How can I thicken cream without heavy cream? ›

Here are Alexa Weibel's rules for substituting heavy cream: For 1 cup heavy cream, use 3/4 cup milk and 1/4 cup melted butter, or thicken 1 cup milk with 1 to 2 tablespoons cornstarch or flour. (Whisk milk into cornstarch or flour little by little.)

How do I substitute all purpose cream for heavy cream? ›

1 Chilled all-purpose cream = a substitute for whipping cream and heavy cream. This is the most basic way of using all-purpose cream. When all-purpose cream is chilled, it thickens in consistency. It becomes stiff and can hold its shape.

Can I use milk instead of heavy cream in pasta? ›

Whole milk is an excellent substitute for heavy cream. It adds richness to your pasta sauce without the excess fat. Simply simmer your favourite pasta sauce with whole milk until it thickens to your desired consistency. The result is a velvety and indulgent sauce that pairs beautifully with pasta.

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